Kestrel (Year 5)

Welcome to Kestrel Class

Kestrel Class is led by Miss Pike

She is  supported every day by our experienced teaching assistant Mrs Webb

Useful Information for the Term

Our PE day will be on Tuesday (outdoor) and Wednesday (Indoor. Please ensure your child brings their PE kit to school every week. This is a white t-shirt or polo and black shorts for indoor and a white polo or t shirt, black bottoms, black jacket and sturdy trainers for outdoor. 

Also, please ensure long hair is tied back and any earrings are removed.

Please see Topic Web below  for details of this terms learning:

Topic Web (Term 2 2023-2024).docx

Upcoming trips

On 3rd October Year 5 visited Winchester Science Centre, to support our learning in the topic " .

We had a great day as you can see from the pictures in the gallery below 

We are also pleased to confirm other upcoming trips 

Year 5 Gallery