Revision Tips

Revision for exams should be active, and students should actually produce something (notes, mind maps, flash cards, exam questions) as a result of revising.

The main tips are as follows:

  1. Start now- don't put off revising until tomorrow!

  2. Students to make a Revision Timetable, including:

      • 2-3 hours a night minimum

      • 5 to 6 hours at the weekend

      • Sessions of 30-40 minutes, followed by test questions

      • 10 minute breaks

  3. Key revision methods

      1. Checklists

      2. Chunking

      3. Flashcards

      4. Mind maps

      5. Mnemonics

      6. Practice Questions

See the presentation below, which was delivered in an assembly to Yr11 students :

Revision Techniques no.1 10Oct19 website.pptx