Termly Progress & Attainment Reports

Attainment & Progress

Every term, in week five, students complete a series of assessments that are designed to examine their knowledge, understanding and skills from across the term. The scores from the week five assessments are shown as a grade and can be found in the the current mark column of their termly report (see below). The scores from the previous terms are also shown for comparison purposes; for example, TP1 refers to the score achieved in half-term one and TP2 refers to the score achieved in half-term two.

Attainment & Progress Summary Tables | KS4

For students in Y10 and 11, GCSEs and Vocational Qualifications (including BTECs, CNATs and NCFEs) award different grades. Information regarding these different grades can be found on the following page of the Academy's website.

Attainment & Progress Summary Tables | KS5

For students in Y12 and 13, A-Levels and Vocational Qualifications (including BTECs, CNATs and NCFEs) award different grades. Information regarding these different grades can be found on the following page of the Academy's website.

Attitude to Learning

Students are awarded an attitude to learning score for each of their subjects. Attitude to learning scores are awarded by subject teachers based on the criteria outlined below

4) Remarkable Attitude to Learning

3) Secure  Attitude to Learning

2) Developing  Attitude to Learning

1) Inadequate Attitude to Learning