Health and Social Care Curriculum

We have a vision for a Remarkable Health & Social Care Curriculum where you are given opportunities to gain skills and knowledge required to support individuals in leading healthy, happy and successful lives. 

Be Unusually Brave

You will explore how the needs of individuals differ and to develop personal skills to support these vulnerable groups. 

You will experience interacting with vulnerable groups such as older adults with dementia.

Discover What's Possible

You will gain a personal skill set which allows you to work with a variety of groups of people, including those who are vulnerable, in an empathetic and sensitive way. 

Push the Limits

You will explore different professions within the health sector to aspire to. 

You will experience real life health settings which require you to push beyond your comfort zones. 

Be Big-Hearted 

You will develop an awareness of vulnerable social groups which live within your local community. 

You develop an awareness of local, national and global health issues and ways used to address these.