Drama Curriculum

We have a vision for a Remarkable Drama Curriculum where you gain the confidence to create and respond to Drama effectively. 

Be Unusually Brave

You will explore and learn new rehearsal and performance techniques; express character emotions through vocal and physical skills; make memories by working collaboratively with your peers. 

Discover What's Possible

You will secure high-quality qualifications through perseverance, regular rehearsal and by learning from your mistakes; you will have the opportunity to take part in extracurricular activities and watch professional theatre performances. 

Push the Limits

You will transform yourself by taking part in performance opportunities and will push yourself to perform out of your comfort zone; you will experience different characters, playwrights and practitioners. 

Be Big-Hearted 

You will develop a secure awareness of yourself and your peers by learning to perform to achieve a common performance goal; you will explore social issues relevant to your local area and develop empathy for the characters you encounter.