Unit 2 Culture

1 Rafa Rafa
2 Rafa Rafa_ Simulation Reflection questions(1).docx

2.2. What is culture?

Culture is the patterns of learned and shared behaviour and beliefs of a particular social, ethnic, or age group. It can also be described as the complex whole of collective human beliefs with a structured stage of civilisation that can be specific to a nation or time period. Humans in turn use culture to adapt and transform the world they live in.

Source: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/culturalanthropology/chapter/what-is-culture/

3 Defining culture

2.3. Food Culture

FOOD CULTURE refers to the practices, attitudes, and beliefs as well as the networks and institutions surrounding the production, distribution, and consumption of food. It encompasses the concepts of FOODWAYS, cuisine, and food system and includes the fundamental understandings a group has about food, historical and current conditions shaping that group’s relationship to food, and the ways in which the group uses food to express identity, community, values, status, power, artistry and creativity. It also includes a groups’ definitions of what items can be food, what is tasty, healthy, and socially appropriate for specific subgroups or individuals and when, how, why, and with whom those items can or should be consumed.

Source: https://www.lexiconoffood.com/definition/definition-food-culture

0. Food Culture Investigation Instructions(1)
Copy of 2. Worksheet- Rules for Mealtimes_ Gender, Time, Taboos, Values.docx
Copy of 1. Worksheet_ 4 Cultures Mealtime Rules.doc.docx
Copy of 3. Worksheet Reflection- Your Culture_.docx

2.4. Surface Culture HK Poster

Cultural differences can be looked at in terms of two levels – Surface and Deep:

Surface culture

These are noticeable differences in groups and they can be three types:

  1. Demographic: Differences are easily distinguishable characteristics such as age, color, gender, race, physical abilities and language.
  2. Material: Differences in ‘tangible things’ like art, literature, architecture, crafts, music, dancing, clothing, food and drink and technology.
  3. Behavioral: These are the easily detected practices and norms of behavior in a group such as body language (e.g. posture, gestures, facial expressions, and eye movements), forms of greeting, conversational patterns, rituals, festivals, and holidays.

Source: https://countrynavigator.com/blog/cultural-intelligence/surface-and-deep-cultural-differences/

1. Surface culture in HK(1)

2.5. Deep Culture

Deep culture

Deep differences are primarily out of conscious awareness such as assumptions, expectations, attitudes, values, and beliefs that influence behaviours. They include different expectations about, for example, relationships, communication, time, power, problem solving.

6a. Deep Culture(1)
6c Worlds Busiest Cities - Hong Kong.mp4
Copy of 6b. Worksheet_Worlds Busiest Cities-Hong Kong.docx

2.6 Summative Assessment Part 1

2.7. Responses to Cultural change

Why do cultures change?

Cultural changes are set in motion in three ways. The first is invention, the process of creating new cultural elements. Invention has given us the telephone, the airplane and the computer each of these elements of material culture has had a tremendous impact on our way of life.

The same is true of the minimum wage, school desegregation, and women's shelters each an important element of nonmaterial culture. The process of invention goes on constantly.

Discovery, a second cause of cultural change, involves recognising and understanding more fully something already in existence perhaps a distant star or the foods of another culture or women's political leadership skills. The third cause of cultural change is diffusion, the spread of cultural traits from one society to another. Because new information technology sends information around the globe in seconds, cultural diffusion has never been greater than it is today.

Source: https://www.sociologyguide.com/culture/causes-of-cultural-change.php

11 Responses to cultural change(1)
Copy of 11 Article 1_ TheDay Cultural rejection Islam in France.pdf
Copy of 11 Plenary article at-last-the-perfect-disney-movie-say-critics.pdf
Copy of 11 Article 3_ 2015 The Day Refugees and Culture.pdf
Copy of 11 Article 2_ TheDay Multiculturalism Terror and Social Policy.pdf

2.8. Summative Assessment Part 2