IB Business Management
Business Management
'Business and management is a rigorous and dynamic discipline that examines business decision-making processes and how these decisions impact on and are affected by internal and external environments.
This course is designed to develop an understanding of business theory, as well as an ability to apply business principles, practices and skills. The application of tools and techniques of analysis facilitates an appreciation of complex business activities. Emphasis is placed on strategic decision-making and the day-to-day business functions of marketing, production, human resource management and finance.
The business and management course aims to help students understand the implications of business activity in a global market. It is designed to give students an international perspective of business and to promote their appreciation of cultural diversity through the study of topics like international marketing, human resource management, growth and business strategy.
The course encourages the appreciation of ethical concerns and issues of social responsibility in the global business environment. Students should be able to make sense of the forces and circumstances that drive and restrain change in an interdependent and multicultural world.
The business and management course will contribute to students’ development as critical and effective participants in local and world affairs'. (Business Management Syllabus 2014 onwards)
External assessment accounts for 75% of the course. Students will sit two examinations at the end of DP2.
Higher Level
Paper 1 (40%): 2¼-hour examination based on a pre-issued case study.
Paper 2 (35%): 2¼-hour examination on data response questions.
Internal Assessment: 25%
Students must complete a research project of 2000 words, studying a problem or issue encountered by an organisation. The research project is internally assessed by the teacher and moderated externally by the IBO.
Standard Level
Paper 1 (35%) : 1¼-hour examination based on a pre-issued case study.
Paper 2 (40%): 1¾-hour examination on data response questions.
Internal assessment: 25%
Students have to complete a written commentary of 1000 – 1500 words, which demonstrated that they are able to apply business tool, techniques and theories to a real business situation or problem.
The commentary is able to make use of 3-5 key articles (sources).
Conceptual Focus
The relationship between concepts, the contexts and content of the discipline of business management can be illustrated with a triangular diagram. Concepts are anchored in the tools, techniques and theories of the subject and come alive through case studies and examples. Together, these help students to acquire a holistic and integrated understanding of business management.
Source - Business Management Syllabus (2014 onwards)
Business Management Folder
The maintenance of a folder (either physically or electronic is mandatory for this course. Periodically, I will assess it and mark it according to the ATL skills identified in the graphic below:
How ATLs are assessed in BM

Videos related to some of our chosen organisations
Textbook sample

General Documents for the course

Examination exemplars

HL/SL Paper 2 exemplar