2.2. Latitude/Longitude, Grid-Referencing, Contour Lines

Lesson 1 Day 4 (24/10/2017)

Lesson objectives

  • Task 1: Introduction to Area Reference & Grid Reference- watch the videos below to gain an understanding of how we can use Area Reference (4-figure) and Grid Reference (6-figure) to identify location on a topographical map

4-Figure Area Reference

6-Figure Grid Reference

  • Task 2: Open the document 1. 4 6 Figure Grid References and as it is an interactive powerpoint you need to use the SlideShow function. Complete all the tasks set out in the powerpoint - the purpose of this exercise is to understand what a grid reference is; how a grid reference helps us to identify location on a map; and what the difference between 4 and 6 Grid References are
  • Task 3: For revision on 6 Figure Grid References, you can open the document 'Grid Referencing Game' and complete the tasks set
  • Task 4: Download and start answering the questions on the document 'Grid Ref Geog 1 p14-15'

Lesson 2 Day

Lesson objectives

  • Continue with the questions in the document 'Grid Ref Geog 1 p14-15'
  • Go over the responses to the questions in the document 'Grid Ref Geog 1 p14-15'

Lesson 3 Day

Lesson objectives

  • We will study the geographical concepts of Latitude and Longitude in these videos and use it to explain why degrees are used to pinpoint location

Longitude & Latitude

Latitude & Longitude

  • Task 5: Download the powerpoint 'LatLong.ppt' and go through the slides ensuring that you understand the information
  • Task 6: Download and answer the questions in the document '2. Junior Atlas questions lat long

Lesson 4 Day

Lesson objectives

  • Go over the responses to the questions in the document '2. Junior Atlas questions lat long'
  • We will continue our investigation of Latitude & Longitude by attempting the questions on the document 'Latitude & Longitude questions'. You can watch the video below to help your understanding

Earth, Parallels & Meridians

  • We will continue our way through the questions on the document 'Latitude & Longitude questions'.

Lesson 5 Day

Lesson objectives

  • Go over the responses to the questions on the document 'Latitude & Longitude questions'.
  • To introduce our next geographical subject 'contour lines', we will watch a video on 'Introduction to topographical maps'

Introduction to topographical maps

Task 1: Figure out what is the contour interval in the following topographical maps

Map 1

Map 2

Map 3

Map 4

Task 2: Figure out the following on this topographical map

(a) Contour Interval

(b) Elevation of point a

(c) Elevation of point b

Task 3: Figure out how many hills there are on this topographic map and the elevation of these hills

Lesson 6 Day

Lesson objectives

  • We will finish watching the video on Topographical maps
  • We will move onto discussing the summative assessment which will be held on
  • At the beginning of our discussion we will focus primarily on how to interpret maps, and then you can begin your revision through answering the questions in the revision guide

Files to download

1. 4 6 Figure Grid References.ppt

Task 2: 4 Figure Grid Reference