Year 10 Real Week

Day 1: Scavenger Hunt

City of Rauma

City of Rauma is a simple freeware city-building simulation game inspired by the town of Rauma in Finland.

Day 2 to Day 4

Sustainable Development Goals

We the People for The Global Goals

Goal 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.


Introduction to Goal 9


Goal 9: Challenges and Solutions

Goal 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.


Introduction to Goal 11

11_Sustainable cities and communities_FINAL.pdf

Goal 11: Challenges and Solutions

Examples of Green Infrastructure

Green Roofs

Green roofs keep buildings cooler in summer reducing the need for air conditioning. They also increase biodiversity, reduce urban heat effects and help increase the lifespan of roofs themselves (protects roof membranes from ultraviolet radiation and temperature fluctuation.


Reusing old shipping containers for student accommodation

University residence in Utrecht, The Netherlands

Renewable energy

Integrating solar power into a building's design.

Sonnesschiff Solar City, Freiburg, Germany

Vancouver's Olympic Village

The buildings' energy use is minimised through passive heating and the residents' ability to precisely monitor water and energy use. In addition, the neighbourhood has an energy plan that recovers heat from sewage.

The Hammarby Model

The Hammarby model is unique in its integration of energy, solid waste, water and wastewater for homes, offices and other activities.


Stormwater infrastructure

By integrating storm water infrastructure into public space such as bio-swales, planter boxes, rain gardens and bio-retention technologies, it can capture storm water, prevent overflows and filter/treat water. This will help reduce pressure on the sewer systems and save on pipes. It will also reduce energy since water and waste water are responsible for a significant part of the total energy consumption.

Permeable Pavement

Permeable pavement allows storm water to infiltrate into underlying soils, promoting pollutant treatment and groundwater recharge.

Urban agriculture

Urban agriculture is another way to reduce energy use since it limits food miles (the miles travelled for food to come to our cities).

Singapore is buildings full-scale urban farms known as 'Sky Greens'. These are the world's first commercial vertical farms


Connected parks

Connected parks thrive better than single-use parks as a wildlife habitat system. They also provide more opportunity for exercise.

Image is of the Portland Forest Park in Oregon, USA

Singapore's supertrees

Singapore's super-trees consists of 18 vertical gardens covered with flowers that collect rainwater, and generate solar power

Relevant Resources

Masdar City, Abu Dhabi

The land is laid out on a gridded square. Streets are narrow and oriented to optimise shading. The city is walled so that development remains dense and cannot sprawl into the desert. Its density allows the banning of cars.

Masdar City is also a smart city which fully monitors electricity and water consumption so waste can be consciously reduced. It aspires to be the world's first carbon neutral city in 10 years.

Most Eco-Friendly Cities in the World (Part 1)

Top 10 Eco Friendly Cities in the World (Part 2)

7 principles for building better cities

This Country is Growing faster in Sustainable Cities

Skyscrapers of the Future Will Be Engineered to Copy Nature

Incredible way of future transportation-Straddling Bus(3D bus)

Sustainable, innovative infrastructure solutions

3D printed homes

Lantau Tomorrow Vision.pdf

Lantau Tomorrow Vision

Google Sketchup -

Tutorial 1

Tutorial 2

Tutorial 3

Tutorial 4