5.2. Causes and effects of poverty

  • Task 1: To what extent is there poverty in the world? Use the following websites to find some statistics on world poverty (Slide 2)
  1. https://www.dosomething.org/us/facts/11-facts-about-global-poverty
  2. http://www.care.org/work/poverty/child-poverty/facts
  3. http://www.globalissues.org/article/26/poverty-facts-and-stats
  4. https://www.compassion.com/poverty/poverty-quick-facts.htm
  5. https://borgenproject.org/20-poverty-facts/
  • Answer the following questions:
  1. How many people in the world do not get sufficient food each day/go to bed hungry
  2. How many people live in absolute poverty (less than US$1.90 a day)? How many on less than US$2 a day?
  3. Which countries have the most people living in poverty? Which countries have the highest percentage of population living in poverty?
  4. How many deaths due to different dimensions of poverty occur each day/year?
  • How many people in the world do not get sufficient food each day/go to bed hungry?
  • How many people live in absolute poverty (less than US$1.90 a day)? How many on less than US$2 a day?
  • Which countries have the most people living in poverty?
  • Which countries have the highest percentage of population living in poverty?
  • How many deaths due to different dimensions of poverty occur each day/year?

Cause of death, by communicable diseases and maternal, prenatal and nutrition conditions (% of total)

  • Task 2: You will watch two videos on the concept of poverty. Develop a set of criteria to assess the relative quality of the videos on the causes of poverty
  • When you develop your set of criteria, you should take into account the senses we use when we watch video presentations
  • Task 3: What are the causes of poverty? The following videos outline different organisations' views on the causes of poverty. In you opinion, which of the videos articulates the causes of poverty in the most informative manner?

What causes poverty?

What is poverty?

Task 4: Consequences of poverty: How can poverty affect your brain?

  • Task 5: Causes and effects of poverty - you will work in pairs or as a group of three to complete the 'Causes and Effects table'
  • Task 6: The Wrong Trainers - your next task is to watch a series of video clips on different types of poverty. You will need to take notes, and then respond to questions

The Wrong Trainers: Dillion's story

The Wrong Trainers: Danielle's story

  • Task 7: Download the document 'Video questions' and answer the questions
  • World Hunger - over 800m people in the world suffer from chronic hunger on a daily basis. Can this problem be solved?

Global Hunger Index 2016

Hunger: The world's greatest solvable problem

  • Task 8: Observe the following Hunger Map indices for 2011, 2013 & 2015.
  • Identify areas of progress that have been made to address this issue. Copy the following table into your document and fill in the missing information

Task 9: Poverty simulation - complete the poverty simulation on the following website and see how well you would deal with poverty if you were poor in the United States; http://playspent.org/