Internal Assessment
Higher Level
Higher Level
Lesson 1
Lesson objectives
- Introduction to the IA HL - nature of internal assessment, format of dual-assessment and how it is assessed - please download the powerpoint 'BM IA HL Presentation' and 'May 2018 Subject Report Business Management'
- 'Title Approval Form BM IA' - initial planning document
Lesson 2
Lesson objectives
- Download the document 'HL IA template.docx'
- Identification of resources to help construct the research proposal - 'HL plan 2018' & 'HL transec 2018'
- Identification of other general resources to help you in the IA
- Identification of HL IA samples - 1, 2 & 3. You will be assigned to a group with three groups overall. Each group will take one sample IA and the objective is to mark the IA. I will then show you the examiner's marks and comments to determine how close you were to his/her comments.
Resources to download
Resources to download

BM IA HL Presentation

IA HL Full Guide

May 2018 Subject Report Business Management

HL IA template

- HL transec 2018

Title Approval Form

Analytical Tools

IA HL Checklist
HL IA Exemplars
HL IA Exemplars

Research proposal exemplar

IA Sample A

IA Sample B

IA Sample D

IA Sample E

IA Sample F
Primary Research Tools - exemplars
Primary Research Tools - exemplars

SL Level
SL Level
Lesson 1
Lesson objectives
- Introduction to the IA SL - nature of internal assessment; what is a commentary, and what are its most important elements. Download 'SL IA Presentation' & 'SL IA Full Guide'
- 'IB BM SL IA preliminary research' - initial planning document
- SL IA checklist & Analytical tools
Documents to download
Documents to download

SL IA Presentation

SL IA Full Guide

IB BM SL IA preliminary research

Exemplar of preliminary research document

SL IA Checklist

Analytical tools
SL IA Exemplars
SL IA Exemplars

SL IA Sample 1

SL IA Sample 2
HL & SL IA dates
HL & SL IA dates