1.0. Introduction to Individuals & Societies

Lesson 1 Day 1 (15/08/2018)

Lesson objectives

Task 1 : Why do you think this image was chosen to represent the unit 'Introduction to Individuals & Societies'?

  • Basic introduction from Mr. Ronan
  • Talk about how the PYP UOIs in the primary school relate significantly to the MYP units of inquiry in the secondary school. Encourage the students to describe their PYP Exhibition exhibits
  • Task 2: Short exercise in promoting well-bring & positive education '3 Roses and a Thorn'
  • Task 3: Having done the '3 Roses and a Thorn' exercise, read the Five Ways to Well-Being Model below. Can you see any connections between your '3 Roses' and the 'Five Ways to Well-Being'

Five Ways to Well-Being

  • Task 4: Classroom expectations - students to complete the Google Forms document concerning 5 main classroom expectations they would like to see in place in their I&S class.

Lesson 2 Day 4 (20/08/2018)

Lesson objectives

  • Task 5: Create the individual unit specific folders in their general MYP Individuals and Societies folder.
  • Task 6: Download the document '3. Personal Profile' and complete your personal profile.
  • Move onto a description of the MYP programme and the assessment criteria in Individuals & Societies.

Four Assessment Criteria

A.Knowing and Understanding



D.Thinking Critically

Lesson 3 Day 5 (21/08/2018)

Lesson objectives

MYP in practice in India

Task 7: Identify 3-5 characteristics of an MYP classroom

  • Task 8: Brainstorm a list of topics you believe you could study in Individuals & Societies

The Big Bang Theory: 'Social Sciences are largely hokum' Sheldon Cooper

  • Task 9: Why does Sheldon say this about the social sciences and how are they different to the natural sciences?
  • Task 10: Making connections between the Olympics and Individuals & Societies - we will view the BBC trailer for the Rio Olympics and understand why certain imagery was used in the trailer.

Rio 2016 Olympic Games

London 2012 Olympic Games

Lesson 4 Day 7 (23/08/2018)

Lesson objectives

  • Task 11: As a class we will outline the similarities and differences that would appear in the two trailers (Rio & London)
  • Task 12: Research what elements you would include in a TV trailer for the 2032 Olympic Games in Hong Kong. You will create a short Google Slides presentation with information about how you would design a TV trailer for the Olympics Games in Hong Kong.

Lesson 5 Day 1 (29/08/2018) & Lesson 6 Day 4 (03/09/2018) & Lesson 7 Day 5 (04/09/2018)

Lesson objectives

  • Introduction to the ATLs - powerpoint presentation
  • Presentation of the Google Slides presentation on Hong Kong 2032
ATL Overview

Introduction to Approaches to Learning (ATLs)

MYP Global Contexts

  • Global Contexts - we will interpret the six Global Contexts and specify why the artist used such imagery to communicate each global context

Task 13: Complete the following table

  • We will go through your answers to task
  • Presentation of the Google Slides presentation on Hong Kong 2032 - 3 groups
  • Task 14: Global Contexts - Using the A3 sheet provided, students will illustrate an example of how that context is relevant in their life for each box. For example, maybe under globalisation/sustainability they could draw their family recycling.

Lesson 8 Day 7 (06/08/2018)

Lesson objectives

  • IB Learner Profile
  • Task 15: Rank the Learner profile in order of importance
  • Go over the responses to the IB Learner Profile Task
  • Move onto the Mapping unit

Files to Download

3. Personal Profile
My Global Contexts Questions.pptx