5.4. WHO is involved in fighting poverty and how?

Lesson 1 Day

Lesson objectives

  • The role of the United Nations in alleviating global poverty

United Nations's Convention on the Rights of the Child

  • Task 1: What conditions should a child have/experience in order to become an adult who can realise his/her true potential? Watch the video below and note down at least four of these conditions/experiences. Cross reference these to the levels on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Realising the Rights of Everyone

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

  • Task 2: Watch this video and identify the main message the United Nations is trying to communicate about global poverty

Lesson 2 Day

Lesson objectives

  • What were the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

Sustainable Development Goals

We the People for The Global Goals

Task 3: What is the connection between Goal 3 Good Health & Well-Being and Goal 4 Quality Education?

Lesson 3 Day & Lesson 4 Day

Lesson objectives

  • Task 6: Non-Governmental Organisations and how they help to alleviate poverty - use a search engine to find the definition of an NGO
  • NGOs can be both local and global - the following videos give you a glimpse of the work that Save the Children (global) and Food Angel (Hong Kong-based) do to help alleviate poverty in their communities
  • Task 7: Storyboard that - Access the following website http://www.storyboardthat.com/. Your task is to create a 6-quadrant storyboard about any topic of the course we have done; the overall purpose is to communicate information to the incoming Year 7 students about the section of the course you felt most compelling. Try and be as imaginative as possible!
  • Task 8: Download the document 'Identifying Aid Organisations'. You will work in pairs, although one group will have three individuals, and complete the task set (You are going to investigate three individual charities, where they operate and what their objectives/aims are).
  • Presentation of the storyboards
  • Free Rice - http://freerice.com/#/english-vocabulary/1447