Year 11 Q07 Advisory

A little about ourselves

Year 8 Homeroom is a group of superstars who meet at 8.30 (punctually) every school day in Room S103. They come in to the room, greet Mr Ronan and each other. After the formality of the roll - call, other more interesting activities usually happen.

Master Plan for 2016-17

Introductory session (09/08/2016)

1: Administration

(a) Student Organiser - Copy the information off the board into your student organiser and complete the student information section. Please ensure that your parent/guardian fills in their information in particularly the emergency contact information

(b) Timetable - Please make sure that you can access your timetable

(c) Lockers and Pre-8 Typhoon Signal protocol - Everyone has been given their locker sheet and Pre-8 Typhoon Signal protocol. Please ensure that you bring back in both sheets signed by your parent/guardian by Friday 12th August.

2: Routines for advisory

    • Please ensure you swipe in prior to arriving at advisory in the morning.
    • Ensure you are in the advisory for a 8.30am start every day.
    • Wednesdays (except tomorrow!) will be the assembly day in PAC (occasionally in the sec gym)

3: Complete the Google Forms document

Five ways to well-being

Thinking Thursdays (18/08/2016)

The Story of Julius Yego

Question to ponder - what are the links between the 5 ways to wellbeing and the story of Julius Yego?

Seven habits of Highly Effective People

Thinking Thursdays (25/08/2016)

Mindshift - motivational video

Thinking Thursdays (01/09/2016)

Turns out dogs may understand what we say

Tuesday Day 10 (06/09/2016)

Using Seesaw, please write a reflection on what you learned from watching both video clips

Thinking Thursdays (08/09/2016)

LegCo election 2016 -

Extended Advisory (12/09/2016)

Thinking Thursdays (15/09/2016)

Thinking Thursdays (22/09/2016)

Friday Advisory (23/09/2016)

Thinking Thursdays (28/09/2016)

Thinking Thursdays (06/10/2016)

Thinking Thursdays (20/10/2016)

Thinking Thursdays (03/11/2016)

The Five Love Languages

Physical Touch

Acts of Service


Quality Time

Words of Affirmation

Thinking Thursdays (23/02/2017)

Thinking Thursdays (18/05/2017)

Extended advisory (26/05/2017)

Puberty in Girls and emotional changes

Puberty in Boys and emotional changes

Alfred and Shadow: A short story about emotions

Inside Out Meet Your Emotions

Which Inside Out character are you?

Assess the following website:

What is Emotional Intelligence (EQ)?

  • Thinking Thursdays (15/06/2017)
  • Extended Advisory (19/06/2017)
  • Survey on your style of humour -

Year 9 Q05 Advisory

Thinking Thursdays Day 2 (17/08/2017)

Celebrating the Life of Sam Shepard -

Chuck Yaeger (played by Sam Shepard) breaks the sound barrier in the film The Right Stuff

Think Different

Jie Jie Day (29/09/2017)

Extended advisory (25/01/2018) - watch the video that your group is assigned and then highlight on the page the characteristics of love/romance that you think best summarises the theme of the film scene

  • Video A - The Notebook
  • Video B - Slumdog Millionaire
  • Video C - Romeo & Juliet (1996)
  • Video D - One Day
  • Video E - You are the apple of my eye
  • Video F - Hatchi/Hatchiko
  • Video G - Wall-E

Extended Advisory (03/05/2018)

Sexual Harassment

Video 1: The Boss

Video 2: The Politician

Year 10 (2018-19)

  • Welcome back
  • Expectations for the year - behaviour, uniform, punctuality, swiping in and use of technology
  • Thursday - new day for assembly
  • Other four mornings - one of the mornings you will be allowed to access your laptop for work-related issues
  • Lockers - 1/F 1105 to 1124
  • Back to School Night - August 23rd: letter will go out to your parents this week
  • Service & Action (S&A) - this becomes a requirement in Year 10 and Ms. Devries, the S&A Coordinator will provide information by end of August/beginning of September
  • EOTC - opportunity to go abroad

Two truths and a lie

Equipment needed:

Each student will need a piece of paper and a writing tool.


1. Ensure that each student has a piece of paper and a writing tool.

2. Ask each student to write down three things about themselves. Two things need to be true, and one thing needs to be a lie. Students can write down anything – from a description of their appearance, to what foods or music they like, to places they have been.

3. Once everyone has written two facts and one lie about themselves, ask for volunteers to share their three things. When they have read out their list, the rest of the class should try to guess which thing is the lie.

Catch and Connect

Equipment needed:

3 soft balls/items.


1. Ask the group to sit or stand in a circle.

2. Toss one of the objects from person to person across the circle randomly. The thrower calls their own name first and then the name of the person they are throwing to until everyone in the group has been thrown and has thrown the object. Remind participants to remember the person they threw the item to and received it from.

3. Repeat the same throwing order with the same object for a few more rounds making sure everyone in the group is included in the throwing pattern.

4. Now add in the other two objects and repeat the activity. Students will need to concentrate in order to remember all the other participants’ names.