Trout in the Classroom Video

Post date: Nov 8, 2016 12:35:07 AM

This is a video of Brook Trout that are located at Brasher Falls Central School. I received the eggs/embryos on 10/29 from the Chateaugay Fish Hatchery. I hope you can see that some of the trout are in the alevin stage. This is where they have hatched but the yolk sac is attached to their body. The yolk sac provides the nutrition for the next few weeks as the trout grows. You can also see that some of the trout are still in embryo stage. You might be able to see these in the video as the eye and the whole body of the fish still unhatched.

The video is about 20 seconds long. Please don't mind me clearing my throat at the start of the video.

Wish my students and myself luck as we try to keep these little trout alive!

Mrs. Darlene Bissonette