New Members Event

Post date: Dec 5, 2016 12:37:53 PM

Good Afternoon,

I hope this email finds you well and enjoying your Sunday afternoon. My apologies for not getting this to you sooner.

On Saturday, December 10th we will welcome the newest members of the NorthCountry Cohort.

I have the following signed up to assist in the welcoming:

C. Butts, J. Guay, P. Canamela, A. Trombley, L.Steblen, D. Babcock, E.Oliver and S.Fink. If I missed someone please let me know.

I would like to ask the following to facilitate the website session scheduled from 10:00 -10:30

A. Trombley

I would like to ask everyone to assist with the iPad and Otterbox set up and the download of the Zoom app.

I would like to ask if C. Butts and A. Trombley could facilitate a demonstration of the Zoom app.

And if all could participate in the Q&A panel session.

We will gather at 9:30 am and we will have muffins, coffee and fruit.

The following is the schedule for the day:

9:30 - Welcome, Introductions, iPad distribution, cohort fundamentals...

10:00 Website overview - hours etc...

10;30 - 11:00 iPad set up with Otterbox assistance,with download of Zoom App

11:15 - 12:00 - Panel Q & A

Lunch on your own - I believe Cookie has scheduled a NGSS to follow this meeting.

I have made overnight reservations for the following:

L. Steblen, M. Watkins, S. Fink, E. Oliver

Please let me know if I have missed anyone. I thank you for taking time during this busy time to assist with this.

We will hold our cohort meeting via Zoom on December 14th from 4:30- 6:30. I know you will be there to welcome our new members. A full agenda will follow next week.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

Looking forward to seeing you either on the 10th or the 14th,
