NCTRC and CTLE Hours - September 16, 2016

Post date: Sep 16, 2016 12:44:46 PM

I am sending the email we sent to area educators in our consortium today. Please feel free to pass along to your colleagues. We would welcome their participation.


Good Afternoon,

We hope your 2016-2017 school year is off to a great start.

The NCTRC is pleased to announce that it has been approved by the NYSED as a CTLE (Continuing Teacher and Leader Education) sponsor for those requiring the necessary 100 hours for the professional certification.

The link below will provide further information on the CTLE requirements:

The NCTRC is pleased to provide information in the attached PD for the fall of 2016.

The Policy Board and staff are looking forward to working with you in meeting your professional needs.

The following openings for representatives on the Policy Board are below. The board meets once a month and it provides a great opportunity for networking. Online participation from the district is available for the southern schools.

Contact Kathleen Fessette at 564-5000 if you are interested.

Champlain Valley Educational Services



Crown Point


Northern Adirondack

Poster printing and lamination costs are also included in the attachment. Requests for printing can be made by emailing the NCTRC

Our very best to you for a successful school year. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

The NCTRC Staff