News and Notes - February 22, 2017

Post date: Feb 23, 2017 1:35:35 PM

Good Morning,I realize many of you are on break so I do not anticipate you reading and responding until next week. But if you are like me - hard at work and want to respond I will be here.

In either case I hope you are having a restful and fun week.

Just a few updates:

  • STEM Conference - We have 89 people signed up at this time. Registration is still open so if you would like to pass along the following link please do.
  • I will do a walk through of the buildings tomorrow to see where we can host each session. I would like to have some of you who might be available do a walk through on Wednesday, March 1st at 4:00pm - Let me know if you can assist. We will need to identify spaces for the Share Zone and other logistics -signage placement, registration etc...
  • Housing for the 17th - If you have not yet done so and are in need of housing for the 17th please sign up at the following link:


  • I have been trying to work with the Clayton area hotel and found that the rate for the May meeting surpasses our budget. I called the Hilton Garden in Watertown and the only available date is the 28th and 29th of April - this is the week prior to our scheduled meeting of May 5th - 6th . I need to let them know by the 3rd of March if this date will work for us. Please respond if you are not able to attend. If we have a majority that can we will move forward if otherwise we will work to see how we can best meet the cohort needs. I will need responses no later than March 1st
  • This meeting is the scheduled send off for the members of our first cohort. Josephine would like to be in attendance. I am in need of committee members who would like to work on this meeting, not just for the send off but for the entire meeting. Hopefully those who are in the local area will be willing to assist.
  • PD opportunities from across the state

Capital Region

We have author Nathalia Holt visiting our cohort and would be glad to include MTs (or site coordinators) from neighboring cohorts if they are interested in attending.

Nathalia Holt Discusses Rise of the Rocket Girls




Fri, March 3, 4:30pm – 7:30pm

UAlbany Alumni House

Please RSVP by Wed., 3/1 at

Nathalia Holt will visit our cohort to discuss her book, Rise of the Rocket Girls and answer questions. 4:30-6:30 p.m. Lecture and Q&A 6:30-7:30 Reception, book signing, and photo op Alumni House is across the perimeter road from the Dutch quad student parking lot.

Central Region - (see attachment)

Saturday March 25th, 2017


The Statler Hotel—Cornell University

This is co-sponsored by the NYSMTP and the Cornell Mathematics Outreach Program. The talk will be: Standards, such as the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSS-M), will not ensure high levels of mathematical understanding by all students. This is because teachers — not standards — teach! NCTM’s landmark publication, Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All, was written to fill this gap between the development and adoption of CCSS-M (and other standards) and mathematical classroom practices to successfully implement them. In this talk we will explore the Mathematics Teaching Practices that are outlined in Principles to Actions. Registration for this event will open next week as is open to ALL teachers, so you can bring your colleagues from your department. There are 100 seats for this event, which are sure to fill quickly.

STATE WIDE (see attachment)

Invitation for all K12 Teachers in NYS - See Attachment

Have a safe and restful week. I look forward to seeing you all in March - Where is the time going???
