PLT ideas from MT Fellow Denise Rogers

Post date: Sep 15, 2016 12:15:32 PM

PLT Ideas

Please see this note from MT Fellow Denise Rogers. Complete the form if interested. I will send this information to her for further planning. George Rogers and I can offer a PLT (input welcomed from others!!) on travel in South Africa for science teachers. We can talk about the national parks we toured, the early hominid history stuff we saw, and the cool ecosystems we visited (sand forests are so cool!!).

I would also be interested in organizing a group to read "Emperor of All Maladies--an autobiography of cancer" by Mukherjee. It's a long book, but I found it fascinating.

Finally, let me know if there is any interest in forming a PLT on the use of stats in math/science classrooms. I'm not a stats expert, but I teach a statistics mini unit for my AP Biology class, and I'd be willing to share!!