Feb 9 Meeting Follow Up

Post date: Feb 10, 2017 5:51:35 PM

Good Friday Afternoon,I want to extend my sincere thanks to all of you for a great meeting last evening and for your continued support of the STEM+TEAM=STEAM conference.

A special thanks to the committee for their hard work in putting this all together.

  • I am attaching the flyer that went to SUNY Faculty this morning and will go out to area educators on Monday announcing the conference information and registration.
  • College Auxiliary Services is again offering area educators the opportunity to teach Summer Safari this summer at SUNY Plattsburgh information at the following link


  • I have also attached the information for the Summer Retreat we spoke about last night. Deborah will check to see if the week following the Annual Conference is available.
  • I spoke with Josephine regarding the tally of hours, as some of you indicated that you had not received an email to view what you have submitted thus far. Here is her response:

"All MTs were sent their link.

I wish you all a restful mid-winter break and look forward to seeing you in person in March.

Have a good weekend - stay warm!,



If it's a school email, check blocked messages. Junk/spam folder too.

If personal, check for email from nysmtpnetwork@gmail.com

If none of the above works, email the main program office.