Week 34

Class Notes:

The Bike Rodeo is Tuesday! 

The Bike Rodeo is a special event where our third graders learn the essentials of being a responsible bike rider in our communities.  There are four content areas included in the bike rodeo: bike safety, bike maintenance, helmet safety, and the road course.  If a third grader is able to participate in all four content areas, they will receive a bike license.  The bike license allows that student to ride to and from school alone (with parent/guardian consent of course). Please review this Bike Rodeo presentation to help your child practice.

You will need a helmet and a 2 wheel bike.  If you are not able to bring your bike or helmet, we have bikes and helmets that have been donated by the Needham Police Department.  If your child is able to bring their bike we recommend putting their name on it with masking/painters tape.  You can park them outside the Mitchell gym on the day of the event.  

Wednesday is an Early Release Day; 12:12 dismissal time. 

DoodleBots--recyclables needed!

Next week we will begin to design DoodleBots- robotic drawing devices. As part of this project, we need your help! The design challenge will require an empty container, so please send in any empty and clean containers (yogurt cups, pint-sized berry bins, small deli containers, etc.)  Your child will only use one container, but it is always nice to have options. Any additional containers will be made available to our classroom community. 

Research Clubs will continue in Reader's Workshop. We will research subtopics and create word banks with technical vocabulary. 

We will write our own original fairy tales during Writer's Workshop by adapting a traditional fairy tale and adding our own individual "twist!"

In Fundations, we will complete Unit 12; all about soft c and soft g spelling rules, -nce, -nge, and -dge.

Thank you to Ms. Ballard, last week's Mystery Reader. Here's the LINK to the sign up genius for our Mystery Reader Program. 

Repeat Announcements:

Mitchell Email for Absences, Late Arrivals, and Dismissals

Please report an absence, late arrival, or early dismissal at this email address: Mitchell_Office@needham.k12.ma.us Our safe arrival line is still an option as well - dial 781-455-0466 and press 1.


Our book swapping day is on Wednesdays--please help your child remember to return their library books.

It's yearbook time! Please click HERE for ordering information. 

Special Subject Schedule

Monday -- Spanish and Music

Tuesday -- P.E.

Wednesday -- Media

Thursday -- Spanish and P.E.

Friday -- Art

Important Dates

May 7th - Bike Rodeo

May 8th- Early Dismissal Day

May 15th & May 17th - Math MCAS

May 27th - No School, Memorial Day

May 29th- Early Dismissal Day

June 11th- Pen Pal Picnic at Mitchell

June 13th - Last Day of School

Updated 5/2023
