Week 21

Celebrating Friendship

We will celebrate FRIENDSHIP on February 14th. We will make Compliment Collages in class. 

ASSIGNMENT: At home, students will write thoughtful compliments for each other and pass them out in class. 

Please review the instructions with your 3rd grader. I sent home a hard copy of the instructions and hearts. Compliments are due back in class on or before Wednesday, February 12th. 

Many students have asked if they can also make traditional Valentines for their classmates. Absolutely! If your 3rd grader chooses to make valentines, please be sure your student makes a valentine for ALL of their classmates so everyone feels included. Thank you!

This Wednesday is an Early Release Day; 12:15 dismissal

Progress reports will be sent home on Monday, February 3rd. 

We will continue to explore Mystery Stories during Readers' Workshop. 3rd Graders will learn that readers think about clues they might have missed in the beginning or middle of a mystery. When you finish a mystery book, look back and see if there were any clues that you missed. 

In Writer's Workshop, we will write persuasive speeches with big, bold ideas to grab our audience's attention. We will come up with strong reasons to support our ideas and use examples to convince our readers. We’ll also learn how to organize our speeches with a clear beginning, middle, and end. By sharing our work with classmates and making improvements, we will create speeches that are fun and convincing!

In Fundations, we will begin Unit 9: The r-controlled syllable. Link to Home Resources.

Math lessons will focus on developing strategies to multiply within 100 and to multiply one-digit numbers by a multiple of 10.

Cursive Letters: We will continue to learn how to write in cursive (letters c, a, d, g, h, t, p and e).

In science, we will make our own flashlights with button batteries, LD light bulbs,  card stock, foil and tape.

Winter Gear: Please be sure your child has some warm winter gear for outdoor recess. Also, if your child is wearing boots to school, please pack sneakers or extra dry footwear (or slippers) for inside our classroom. Thank you.

Repeat Announcements:

Media: Our book swapping day is on Wednesdays--please help your child remember to return their library books.

Thank you Miles' dad, Dr. Nitzberg, last week's Mystery Reader. Would you like to volunteer as our next Mystery Reader? Click HERE to sign up.  

Special Subject Schedule

Monday -- Spanish and Art

Tuesday -- P.E.

Wednesday -- Media

Thursday -- Music and P.E.

Friday -- Spanish

Important Dates

Wednesday, February 5th - Early Release Day; 12:15 dismissal

Monday, February 17 - 21st - February Break 

Monday, February 24th- classes resume

Monday, March 31st - ELA MCAS, session 1

Tuesday, April 1st- ELA MCAS, session 2

Thursday, May 8th- Math MCAS, session 1

Friday, May 9th- Math MCAS, session 2

Created 1/2025
