Week 19

Class Notes:

Wednesday is an Early Release Day; 12:15 dismissal.

Our trip to the Commonwealth Museum is on Thursday, February 1. Your third grader took home the permission slip last week. Please sign and return the permission slip by Monday, January 29th.

Trip Details & Online Payment: Please click HERE for details and instructions for online payment. 

We are all set with chaperones. Thank you so much for your volunteering! Our next Trip will be on March 1st; we'll be visiting the Massachusetts State House. 

Last week we formed new table teams and work partnerships. We completed a puzzle challenge and reflected on strategies that help people work cooperatively and productively. 

Reading: We will start a new realistic fiction reading unit. Students will analyze how characters grow and change throughout a story.

Fundations: We will continue with Unit 7: spelling rules involving the open syllable y, and making nouns that end in o and y plural. 

Writing:  We will start a new literary essay unit. Students will come up with bold claims about characters and use evidence from the text to prove their thinking. 

Cursive Letters: We will continue to learn how to write in cursive (letters c, a, d, and g).

Math: We completed Unit 3: multi-digit addition/subtraction with regrouping, rounding numbers and solving 2-step word problems. We will start Unit 4 on Monday. Students will learn about and use the relationship between multiplication and division, place value understanding, and the properties of operations to multiply and divide whole numbers within 100. Students will also represent and solve two-step word problems using the four operations.

Science: Students will finish designing imaginary animals with characteristics that would help them survive in their habitats. We will write descriptive paragraphs about our animal creations.

Mystery Reader:  Thank you to Ms. Moore (Lia's mom), last week's Mystery Reader.

Here's the LINK to the sign up genius for our Mystery Reader Program. 

Email for Absences, Tardies, and Dismissals-- Please use this email address if your student is out for the day, running late for school, or getting dismissed: mitchell_office@needham.k12.ma.us  Our safe arrival line is still an option as well - dial 781-455-0466 and press 1.

A message from Mr. Bayse:

I’m writing to let you know about a staffing update in your child’s classroom.  As you know, Ms. Williams, the instructional assistant in your child’s classroom is scheduled to go on maternity leave next week.  We’re very excited for Ms. Williams and her husband as they welcome their first child!

When Ms. Williams goes on maternity leave, Ms. Megan O’Brien will take over Ms. Williams’ position for the remainder of the year.  Ms. O’Brien has worked at Mitchell for several years, is a licensed teacher, and is in graduate school for special education.  She’ll be a wonderful – and likely familiar – adult to work with your children.

Ms. Elizabeth Kofidis will be providing additional support as an instructional assistant in these two classes. Ms. Kofidis joined the Mitchell School staff a few months ago and has been a welcome addition to our school.

This change will be in effect for the remainder of the school year.  Please join me in congratulating Ms. Williams and welcoming Ms. O’Brien and Ms. Kofidis!

Special Subject Schedule

Monday -- Spanish and Music

Tuesday -- P.E.

Wednesday -- Media

Thursday -- Spanish and P.E.

Friday -- Art

Important Dates

Wednesday, January 10th- Early Release Day, 12:15 dismissal

Monday, January 15th- No School, MLK Jr. Day

Wednesday, January 24th- Early Release Day, 12:15 dismissal

Wednesday, February 7th- Early Release Day, 12:15 dismissal

Monday, February 19th - 23rd - February Break

Monday, February 26th - Classes resume

Created 1/2024
