Week 4
Class Notes
Reminder: This Wednesday is our first early release day; 12:15 dismissal. Students can order a take-out, bag lunch if they wish.
Curriculum Night will be in our classroom (Room 11) on Wednesday, September 18th from 6:00-6:30 PM. This evening event is for parents only. I look forward to meeting you all!
We launched our first writing unit: Crafting True Stories. We will write stories about people and places that matter to us.
Readers Workshop will focus on finding Just Right books and goal setting: reading faster, stronger and longer.
We completed our Trick Word Pre-assessment and Orientation Unit of Fundations. We will begin Unit 1 this week: closed syllables (reading and spelling rules).
We will continue with our Illustrative Math unit: Introducing Multiplication. We will explore multiplication in terms of equal groups and represent & solve multiplication equations.
We will start our first Science Unit; Survivor (Life Science).
We are becoming much more comfortable using our Chromebooks, and can sign into our Google Accounts with ease. We can log onto ST Math using Clever. We created personalized word clouds on wordart.com. This week we will learn how to open an email and how to email our teachers.
Our book swapping day in the Media Center is on Wednesdays; please help your child remember to return their library books.
A special shout out to our lead room parents: Jenna Cohen (David's mom), Lindsay Leach (Teagan's mom) and Frederica Saylor Lalonde (Charlie's mom). They will be reaching out soon with opportunities to volunteer in the classroom. Thank you!
Does your 3rd grader want to access ST Math from home? Yes, please!
Here's how you can get access from any at-home device:
Link to log into Clever from home.
Then, click Log In with Google
Then, choose your 3rd grader’s account.
If this is your first time logging in, you will need to enter your 3rd grader's Google User address/Account from the Needham Public Schools. Next time you log in, you can just choose your 3rd grader’s account.
Then, enter your 3rd grader's password
You're IN! Now you can click on Jiji and begin.
Repeat Announcements
Scholastic Book Ordering
If you would like to order books through Scholastic, our online ordering code is DPC2T (purchasing online is required).
SHOP OUR CLASS PAGE: https://orders.scholastic.com/DPC2T
SHOP FLYERS: https://clubs.scholastic.com/23
By building your home library with Scholastic, you will also be helping to build our classroom library. The more books students order, the more free books we get for our classroom library!
Jump Rope Club
The Jump Rope Club will start up its 16th year on Thursday September 12th. Jump Rope Club is a before school program that meets every Thursday 7:55-8:15 on the basketball court or in the gym depending on weather. It is a great time to connect with other Mitchell learners, and start your day off right with some exercise! Mr. Darling, Mr. Martin along with parent volunteers hope to see you there! No sign ups are necessary to participate.
Special Subject Schedule
Monday -- Spanish and Art
Tuesday -- P.E.
Wednesday -- Media
Thursday -- Music and P.E.
Friday -- Spanish
Important Dates
Wednesday, September 18th -- Early Release Day, 12:15 Dismissal & Curriculum Night
Thursday, October 3rd -- No School, Rosh Hashanah
Wednesday, October 9th -- Early Release Day, 12:15 dismissal
Monday, October 14th -- No School, Indigenous Peoples Day
Wednesday, October 23rd -- Early Release Day, 12:15 dismissal
created 9/2024