Week 1
Week One - Wednesday, August 28 - Friday, August 30th
Class News
I am thrilled to announce that Juiliana Fagan will be joining our team as an instructional assistant. Welcome Ms. Fagan!
This week we will:
• Start to establish class expectations to help us reach our academic and social goals
• Play community building games to get to know each other
• Set goals (hopes and dreams) for the school year
• Learn classroom and safety/wellness routines
• Create a "Bag About Me" at home and share with the class.
• Reminder: There is no school next Monday (Labor Day).
My Contact Information:
Email: Jennifer_ramras@needham.k12.ma.us
Website: http://www.mrsramras.com
Feel free to send me an email with any questions or concerns that you may have. I check my email regularly, and will get back to you as quickly as possible.
Parent-Teacher communication is essential for a successful year! The best way to stay informed is to look for my Sunday emails each week. (Note: they are usually shorter than this one!) Also, your child will have a Communication Folder that will go back and forth from home to school each day. Your child will receive this Communication Folder on the first day of school. The folder holds all the papers that your child will need in 3rd grade. It is important that your child gets in the habit of organizing the Communication Folder ie. removing corrected work and putting return-to-school pages back into the folder and the folder back into the backpack.
•If you need to make a change in your child’s transportation plans, please email the office at mitchell_office@needham.k12.ma.us and cc me. Please be sure to submit same-day dismissal changes before 1:00pm.
As part of getting to know you and your child, there are 4 surveys I would like you to please complete prior to school starting. Thanks to many of you who have already completed them. These surveys will help me ensure that your child gets off to the best possible start.
3. Dismissal Transportation Form
Reminder from our Nurse, Sheila Eisenstadt
There are students in our classroom that are allergic to tree nuts. Please assist us in providing these students with a safe school environment. Please avoid sending in any snacks with tree nuts. If you have any questions about food allergies, please contact the school nurse. Thank you for your part in keeping our classroom safe for all students.
Special Subject Schedule
Monday -- Spanish and Art
Tuesday -- P.E.
Wednesday -- Media
Thursday -- Music and P.E.
Friday -- Spanish
Important Dates
Tuesday, August 27th -- Open House, 2:30-3:15 (optional)
Wednesday, August 28st -- First day of Third Grade
Monday, September 2nd -- No School, Labor Day
Friday, September 6th -- Ice Cream Social, 6:30pm
Monday, September 9th-- School Picture Day
Wednesday, September 18th -- Early Release Day, 12:15 Dismissal & Curriculum Night
Thursday, October 3rd -- No School, Rosh Hashanah
Wednesday, October 9th -- Early Release Day, 12:15 dismissal
Monday, October 14th -- No School, Indigenous Peoples Day
Wednesday, October 23rd -- Early Release Day, 12:15 dismissal
Created 8/2023