
In just a little while, your child will begin a new school year in the 3rd grade. This is a new and exciting time; it will be a time of change and new beginnings, new surroundings, new friends, new challenges, and new skills. By working together we can make this year a happy and rewarding experience for everyone. I hope this page might answer some questions you have.

Who is Mrs. Ramras?

I am looking forward to teaching your child. I have been a teacher for over 30 years. I have taught various primary grades both in Needham, and in the Washington D.C. Public Schools.  I am absolutely thrilled to be teaching 8 and 9 year olds! The kids make such tremendous growth (physically, emotionally, and academically). We will have a lot of fun throughout the year; we do a lot of laughing and playing as we learn. I am also a mom of three; all in college this year! We live right here in Needham so you’ll probably see me around town once in a while.

My Contact Information

Email: Jennifer_Ramras@needham.k12.ma.us 

Website: www.mrsramras.com

Feel free to send me an email with any questions or concerns that you may have. It is not always possible for me to check email during the school day, but I do read my email before and after class, and will get back to you promptly.


Parent-Teacher Communication is essential for a successful year! The best way to stay informed is to visit our class website each week. I will update my site weekly and will email you a direct link to the site before 3PM every Sunday. Our class website is where you'll find the weekly academic schedule, important dates and any classroom news.

Also, your child will have a Communication Folder that will go back and forth from home to school each day. Your child will receive this Communication Folder on the first day of school. The folder holds all the papers that your child will need in the 3rd grade. It is important that your child gets in the habit of organizing the Communication Folder. Please help your 3rd grader remove corrected work and place return-to-school pages back into the folder. Students might need reminders to put their folders back into their backpacks. Thank you.

Forms and Surveys

Dismissal Plan Form

To help create a calm and safe dismissal, please complete this Dismissal Form before the 1st day of school.

Parent Survey

Please take a few moments to fill out the Mitchell  Parent Survey  so I can learn more about you and your 3rd grader. 

Student Survey

Please help your 3rd grader to fill out a Student Survey so I can learn even more about your child. 

Other reminders


School starts at 8:20AM, but children can begin entering the building as early as 8:05AM. Dismissal is at 2:42PM. 


10AM is snack time! Please provide a simple, healthy snack and water bottle for your child each day. We will have about 10 minutes to enjoy our snacks and take a "brain" break.

School Supplies

Please send your child to school on the first day with the following items:

1 Pair of sturdy and comfortable headphones for chromebook

1 Package of Post-it® Notes, 3" x 3", Yellow, 100 sheets

1 Spiral Notebook (single subject) Wide Ruled, Red, 70 count, 10.5" x 8"

1 Spiral Notebook (single subject) Wide Ruled, Blue, 70 count, 10.5" x 8"

1 Spiral Notebook (single subject) Wide Ruled, Green, 70 count, 10.5" x 8"

1 pack of Pre-Sharpened pencils with Erasers, 12 Pack, Ticonderoga

1 set of Crayola® Washable Markers, Thick/Broad Tip, 8 Count, Classic Colors

1 set of Crayola® Crayons, 24 Count

1 set of Colored Pencils

1 small pencil sharpener

1 pair of Fiskars 7" Soft Grip Student Scissors for Kids

1 School Supply Box / Pencil Box (Plastic), 8” x 5” x 2”

2 Paper Mate® Flair Felt Tip Pens, Black, Medium Point

2 Paper Mate® Flair Felt Tip Pens, Any other color), Medium Point

1 Highlighter, Yellow

2 Elmer's® Glue Sticks, Small (6g /.21 oz), Washable, All Purpose

1 Scotch Clear MAGIC Tape with Dispenser , 3/4" x 300" 

1 Composition Notebook Wide Ruled, Bound, Black, 100 count

1 Pocket Folder, Paper (not plastic, please), Red, (2-pocket)

1 Pocket Folder, Paper (not plastic, please), Blue, (2-pocket)

1 roll of Paper Towel Rolls, white 

1 pop-up canister of Clorox Disinfecting Wipes (for surfaces, not hands)

1 Box of Kleenex or 1 Box of Band-Aids

1 box of quart or gallon sized plastic ziploc bags

Thank you for your supply contributions! If you are unable to bring any of these supplies, please don't worry. I will make sure all the children have the supplies they need.

Please only send in supplies identified on this list. Kindly remove all packaging from supplies before sending to school on the first day. Also, please label your child's belongings if possible.

Goals for the first week of school

From the moment the students walk through the door, I will try to give them "instant ownership of their room." They need right away to feel known and liked by their teacher and classmates.  Students need to make an impact on the environment, to see that the fact that they are there makes a difference. The children also need to feel  comfortable, safe, and happy. The focus on the first week of school is upon getting to know each other,  learning daily routines and getting familiar with the layout of the classroom. We hope to:

• Create a climate and tone of warmth, safety and "belongingness"

• Teach the schedule and routines of the school day and our expectations for behavior

• Introduce the students to the physical environment and materials of the classroom, and teach students how to use and care for them

• Establish expectations about ways we will learn together in the year ahead; both in the classroom and remotely.

• Learn about our classmates, and share our favorite things!

The only thing missing from our classroom is you!


August, 2023