Week 13
Class Notes:
Wednesday is an Early Release Day; 12:15 dismissal.
In Readers Workshop, we will explore nonfiction, informational texts.
We will wrap up Unit 5 in Fundations this week. Link to Unit 5 Family Resources.
In Writer's Workshop, we will continue to write nonfiction "Expert Books." Students are working on using organizational structures (table of contents and chapters).
In Math, we will begin Unit 3 which focuses on adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers. Students will learn to add within 1,000 using algorithms based on place value and properties of operations.
Social Studies lessons will focus on mapping skills. Students will learn and apply technical vocabulary such as cardinal directions, map scale, legend, compass rose.
Second Step Lesson: Making Friends. Being able to make conversation is an important social skill students can use to build friendships. Having friends at school increases students’ feelings of connection and belonging.
Media: Our book swapping day is on Wednesdays--please help your child remember to return their library books.
Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Hall (Sam's parents) for being our Mystery Reader last week. Would you like to volunteer as our next Mystery Reader? Click HERE to sign up.
Looking for 3rd Grade Book Ideas? Check out these recommendations:
Level M, Level N, Level O, Level P
Special Subject Schedule
Monday -- Spanish and Art
Tuesday -- P.E.
Wednesday -- Media
Thursday -- Music and P.E.
Friday -- Spanish
Important Dates
Wednesday, November 20th - Early Release, 12:15 p.m. dismissal
Wednesday, November 27 - Friday, November 29th: Thanksgiving Recess
Wednesday, December 4th- Early Release, 12:15 p.m. dismissal
Wednesday, December 18th- Early Release, 12:15 p.m. dismissal
Monday, December 23rd through Tuesday, January 1st - Winter Recess
Wednesday, January 1st, 2025 - No School - HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Thursday, January 2nd - Classes resume
Monday, January 20th- No School - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Created 11/2024