Week 3

We had another great week, with lots of learning and fun mixed in. We created hopes and dreams for our year together in the 3rd grade. We about learned about the Zones of Regulation and strategies we can use to bring ourselves into the green zone where we do our best learning. We joined Google Classroom and learned how to log into Clever and ST Math on our Chromebooks. We also discussed important traits of mathematicians, like working together and how to stay positive when you feel stuck. Finally, we participated in more team building activities, like the cup challenge,  creating class expectations, learning new group games, and enjoying our first 30 second dance party. It was a great week!

This week we will...

Begin our Building a Reading life unit

Practice choosing "just right books"

Launch our Personal Narrative writing unit

Begin Unit 1 for Fundations

Interpret scaled picture and bar graphs, represent data using scaled picture and bar graphs, and solve one- and two-step story problems using addition and subtraction.

Participate in an ST Math challenge

Begin our Second Step curriculum

Play games that focus build teamwork, cooperation and communication

Smile big smiles for Picture Day


Third Grade Homework Expectations:

3rd graders are expected to read for 20-25 minutes each night. Third graders should be reading "just-right" books (books that aren't too challenging or too easy). Students can choose to read independently, read with a partner,  listen to audiobooks or enjoy a family read aloud. The big idea is to encourage a life-long love of reading!

School Picture Day 

School Picture Day is this Monday, September 9th. The forms went home last week. You can also order school photos online HERE

Beginning Strings
On Friday, Mr. Smith and Mr. Moy, our Strings teachers visited the 3rd grade and introduced the Needham Strings Program. To learn more about the program, click on the links below. The deadline for registration is this Thursday, September 12th.

Beginning Elementary Instrumental Program Informational Flyer

Beginning Elementary Instrumental Program Website

Click HERE for more information about ST MATH. 

Click HERE for more information on the Orientation unit of Fundations

Click HERE  for home support materials for Unit 1 of Fundations.

Repeat Announcements

Curriculum Night is Wednesday, September 18th from 6:00-6:30pm

We will be meeting in our classroom, room 11. I look forward to "unpacking" the third-grade curriculum with you.

Scholastic Book Ordering

If you would like to order books through Scholastic, our online ordering code is DPC2T (purchasing online is required).  

SHOP OUR CLASS PAGE: https://orders.scholastic.com/DPC2T

SHOP FLYERS: https://clubs.scholastic.com/23

By building your home library with Scholastic, you will also be helping to build our classroom library. The more books students order, the more free books we get for our classroom library!

Jump Rope Club 

The Jump Rope Club will start up its 16th year on Thursday September 12th. Jump Rope Club is a before school program that meets every Thursday 7:55-8:15 on the basketball court or in the gym depending on weather. It is a great time to connect with other Mitchell learners, and start your day off right with some exercise! Mr. Darling, Mr. Martin along with parent volunteers hope to see you there! No sign ups are necessary to participate.

Special Subject Schedule

Monday -- Spanish and Art

Tuesday -- P.E.

Wednesday -- Media

Thursday -- Music and P.E.

Friday -- Spanish


Important Dates

Monday, September 9th-- School Picture Day

Wednesday, September 18th -- Early Release Day, 12:15 Dismissal & Curriculum Night 

Thursday, October 3rd -- No School, Rosh Hashanah 

Wednesday, October 9th -- Early Release Day, 12:15 dismissal

Monday, October 14th -- No School, Indigenous Peoples Day

Wednesday, October 23rd -- Early Release Day, 12:15 dismissal

created 9/2024
