Week 5

Class Notes

It was great to see so many parents at Curriculum Night last Wednesday. Thank you all for coming! 

We will continue with Bend 1 of our writing unit: Crafting True Stories; Becoming a Storyteller on the Page. We will work on finding ideas for stories by brainstorming people and places that matter to us. 

In Readers Workshop we will interview our reading partners and focus on four teaching points: 1. Good readers can read and talk about books with another person. 2. Reading partners can make reading better for one another. 3. Good readers give themselves a comprehension check to make sure they understand what they are reading. 4. Good readers always think to themselves while they read.

We will complete Unit 1 of Fundations (closed syllables and closed syllable exceptions). Lessons will focus on words with -ild, -ind, -ost, -old and - olt spelling patterns. We will also learn how the letters w and qu change the sound of a (ex: wash and squash).  Students will take the Unit 1 assessment on Friday.

Math goals this week

Represent and solve multiplication problems involving equal groups

Understand multiplication in terms of equal groups

Write equations to match real life multiplication situations

Second Step Lessons will focus on self-talk. 

Self-talk means talking to yourself in a quiet voice or in your head. Self-talk can help you focus, stay on task, and handle distractions. We will identify classroom distractions, and demonstrate how self-talk can help us refocus our attention to complete adademic tasks. 

Repeat Announcements

Our book swapping day in the Media Center is on Wednesdays; please help your child remember to return their library books.

Scholastic Book Ordering

If you would like to order books through Scholastic, our online ordering code is DPC2T (purchasing online is required).  

SHOP OUR CLASS PAGE: https://orders.scholastic.com/DPC2T

SHOP FLYERS: https://clubs.scholastic.com/23

By building your home library with Scholastic, you will also be helping to build our classroom library. The more books students order, the more free books we get for our classroom library!

Special Subject Schedule

Monday -- Spanish and Art

Tuesday -- P.E.

Wednesday -- Media

Thursday -- Music and P.E.

Friday -- Spanish


Important Dates

Thursday, October 3rd -- No School, Rosh Hashanah 

Wednesday, October 9th -- Early Release Day, 12:15 dismissal

Monday, October 14th -- No School, Indigenous Peoples Day

Wednesday, October 23rd -- Early Release Day, 12:15 dismissal

created 9/2024
