Week 7
Class Notes
This Wednesday is an early release day; 12:15 dismissal.
There is no school next Monday; it's Indigenous Peoples' Day.
We will continue with Unit 2 of Fundations. This week we will learn how to spell words with consonant suffixes and vowel suffixes. Link to Unit 2 home resources.
Readers Workshop lessons will continue to focus on comprehension strategies and how to get back on track when the story gets confusing or "fuzzy."
Writers Workshop will focus on elaboration and paragraphing skills. We will experiment with different types of leads for our small moment stories and also explore how writers use separate paragraphs to tell stories "bit by bit."
In Math, we will continue to focus on the concept of multiplication; connecting arrays to multiplication equations and understanding the commutative property.
Science lessons will focus on exploring adaptations of animals and how these adaptations help them to survive in their habitats.
Thank you to Mr. Kendall (Bev's dad) for being our Mystery Reader last Friday. Would you like to volunteer as our next Mystery Reader? Click HERE to sign up.
Repeat Announcements
Our book swapping day in the Media Center is on Wednesdays; please help your child remember to return their library books.
Scholastic Book Ordering
If you would like to order books through Scholastic, our online ordering code is DPC2T (purchasing online is required).
SHOP OUR CLASS PAGE: https://orders.scholastic.com/DPC2T
SHOP FLYERS: https://clubs.scholastic.com/23
By building your home library with Scholastic, you will also be helping to build our classroom library. The more books students order, the more free books we get for our classroom library!
Special Subject Schedule
Monday -- Spanish and Art
Tuesday -- P.E.
Wednesday -- Media
Thursday -- Music and P.E.
Friday -- Spanish
Important Dates
Wednesday, October 9th -- Early Release Day, 12:15 dismissal
Friday, October 11th-- Yom Kippur begins at sunset
Monday, October 14th -- No School, Indigenous Peoples Day
Sunday, October 20th-- Trunk or Treat, 2-6PM
Wednesday, October 23rd -- Early Release Day, 12:15 dismissal
Monday, October 28th-- School Picture Retake Day
Thursday, October 31st-- Diwali begins, Halloween
Sunday, November 3rd-- Daylight Savings Time Ends, set clocks back one hour
Tuesday, November 5th-- No School - Election Day: Fall Parent and Teacher Conferences
Monday, November 11th-- No School in honor of Veterans' Day
last updated: October 2024