Week 24

This week we will...

State Fair Project

Here is the Third Grade State Fair Project parent letter and project details. Students will begin researching and taking notes on their state in school this week. *I highly recommend visiting the library and checking out a bunch of books to help with at-home state research.

Friday Reflection Journals

We will write in our Reflection Journals on Friday this week. Please write a response and send yours back if you haven't already! Thanks for your support.

State House Field Trip

We will be visiting the State House on March 1st. I can take an unlimited number of chaperones, so please let me know if you would like to join us. Here are all the details. We will be eating lunch at the State House so your student will need to bring lunch that day.

February Breaks after class on Friday; have a fun-filled and restful vacation week! I look forward to welcoming back the 3rd graders on Monday, February 26th. 

Repeat announcements

Save the dates for MCAS

We have scheduled MCAS for April 10th and 11th (ELA), and May 15th and 17th (Math). 

Save the date for our State Fair

We have scheduled the State Fair for parents on Friday, April 12th 8:30-9:30. 

Click here for everything you need to know about The Third Grade State Fair!

Mitchell Email for Absences, Late Arrivals, and Dismissals

Please report an absence, late arrival, or early dismissal at this email address: Mitchell_Office@needham.k12.ma.us Our safe arrival line is still an option as well - dial 781-455-0466 and press 1.


Our book swapping day is on Wednesdays--please help your child remember to return their library books.

Special Subject Schedule

Monday -- Spanish and Music

Tuesday -- P.E.

Wednesday -- Media

Thursday -- Spanish and P.E.

Friday -- Art

Important Dates

February 19-23rd- February Break

February 26- Classes resume

March 1st - State House field trip

March 6th - Early Release Day, 12:15 dismissal

March 20th - Early Release Day, 12:15 dismissal

March 29th - No School, Good Friday

April 10th & April 11th - ELA MCAS

April 12 - State Fair for parents, 8:30-9:00 (in rooms), 9:00-9:30 (concert in cafeteria)

May 15th & May 17th - Math MCAS

Created 2/2024
