Week 12

This week...

There is no school on Monday, November 11th; it's Veterans Day!

Launch a new nonfiction reading unit: Reading to Learn: Grasping Main Ideas and Text Structures

Launch a new writing unit: The Art of Informational Writing


Launch a new Social Studies Unit: The land and people in the Northeast, past and present. 

Begin Fundations Unit 5-- the Schwa. Click HERE for Home-School Resources.

Continue with Unit 2 in Math: Area and Multiplication. We will calculate the area of irregular shapes with missing sides.

Share our Creature Designs this week and describe how adaptations has allowed this creature to survive in its habitat.

Second Step lessons will focus on showing compassion. Empathy helps students perceive and understand what others are feeling. One of the ways empathy makes a difference in the lives of students is by motivating them to use caring words and actions toward others. 


Media: Our book swapping day is on Wednesdays--please help your child remember to return their library books.

Thank you to Dr. Sweatt (Miles' mom) for being our Mystery Reader last Friday.  Would you like to volunteer as our next Mystery Reader? Click HERE to sign up.  

Looking for 3rd Grade Book Ideas? Check out these recommendations: 

Level M, Level N, Level O, Level P

Special Subject Schedule

Monday -- Spanish and Art

Tuesday -- P.E.

Wednesday -- Media

Thursday -- Music and P.E.

Friday -- Spanish

Important Dates

Monday, November 11th: No School in honor of Veterans Day

Thursday, November 14th: Third Grade Parent Social, 7 p.m., Ray's New Garden

Wednesday, November 20th: Early Release, 12:15 p.m. dismissal

Wednesday, November 27 - Friday, November 29th: Thanksgiving Recess

Created 11/2024
