Week 12

This week...

Conferences will continue on Tuesday.  I will send you the link to our Zoom meeting (if applicable) prior to our meeting time.  Please fill out this pre-conference survey to help me best prepare for our meeting.  I look forward to chatting with you about your 3rd grader's progress and goals. Thank you!

An Important Note to Families of Students in Morning Music Classes

Please note that if your child takes before-school music classes or participates in band or strings before school starts that they are not able to purchase breakfast as music instruction goes to the start of academic classes.  These students should eat breakfast at home before music.  If you anticipate your child will be hungry after music they should bring a light snack or piece of fruit to eat as they head to their academic classes.

Little Red Schoolhouse Photos 

Click HERE to join out Google Photo Share. 


Media: Our book swapping day is on Wednesdays--please help your child remember to return their library books.

New Email for Absences, Tardies, and Dismissals-- Please use this email address if your student is out for the day, running late for school, or getting dismissed: mitchell_office@needham.k12.ma.us  Our safe arrival line is still an option as well - dial 781-455-0466 and press 1.

Special Subject Schedule

Monday -- Spanish and Music

Tuesday -- P.E.

Wednesday -- Media

Thursday -- Spanish and P.E.

Friday -- Art

Important Dates

Wednesday, November 22nd - No School for students, Staff Development Day

Thursday, November 23rd and Friday, November 24th- Thanksgiving Break 

Created 11/2023
