CS 3200 - Intro to Numerical Methods

Homework Instructions

The following rules should be followed for all hand-in homework assignments:

    1. Use unlined, clean (no lines), white paper. You will not use notebook paper with frilly edges, computer paper (obsolete, green paper from the '70's), engineering paper, chartreuse paper, etc.

    2. Use a pencil and a good eraser.

    3. Print like a typewriter -- good penmanship is always appreciated. Neatness begets better grades!

    4. Use only one side of the page. Do not crowd your work. Leave plenty of space between problems.

    5. Make your presentation clear. Box answers if necessary for clarity. Show all pertinent steps and work.

    6. Place your name in the upper right-hand corner and staple (not a paperclip!) in the upper left-hand corner. Under your name, put the date and the assignment number.

    7. Make all pertinent drawings and /or graphs neat. Label said demonstrations.

  1. Very Important: Show the work that results in your answer enough to ensure that the grader knows that you know what you are doing. If you fail to show enough intermediate steps, you will NOT receive credit for the problem.

See the attachments on this page for good and bad homework examples!

Follow these instructions and the Numerical Sheriff shall bless you.

Note: Don't follow these instructions and the grader or I will have you re-submit your homework in corrected format (according to the above rules) and take a penalty on the grade. It is best that this clause never be invoked on your behalf!