
// Programmer: Bushra Anjum

// file: header.h

#ifndef header_h

#define header_h

# include <string>

using namespace std;

struct Bullet


float m_caliber;//.22, .38, .50

short m_numberOfLG;//5, 6, 7

float m_widthLand;// [0.025, 0.030]

float m_widthGroove;//[0.025, 0.030]

bool m_isMarking;// true, false

string m_name;// name with no space


const int SIZE = 25;

const float TOLERANCE = 0.001;

const float LOWER_LIMIT = 0.025;

const float UPPER_LIMIT = 0.030;

const float CALIBER []= {0.22, 0.38, 0.50};

const short NUMBER_OF_LG [] = {5, 6, 7};

const string VILLAIN [] = {"Joker", "Darth_Vader", "Hannibal_Lecter",

"Jack_Torrance", "Freddy_Krueger", "Magneto", "Lord_Voldemort", "Agent_Smith",

"Norman_Bates", "Hans_Gruber", "Sauron", "Palpatine", "Xenomorph", "Hans_Landa",

"Scar", "Michael_Myers", "Anton_Chigurh", "Bane", "John_Doe", "Jason_Voorhees",

"Nurse_Ratched", "Loki", "Wicked_Witch_of_the_West", "Count_Dracula", "Gollum"};

/* Description: The establishDB() function populates the bullet database.

Pre: None.

Post: Bullets in the bullet database.


void establishDB(Bullet db[], const int size);

/* Description: The printDB() function outputs the bullets in the bullet database.

Pre: None.

Post: Outputs the list of bullets in the bullet database on the screen.


void printDB(const Bullet db[], const int size);

/* Description: The printBullet() function outputs the information about the bullet

that is passed to it.

Pre: None.

Post: Information about bullet is output to the screen.


void printBullet(const Bullet & bullet);

/* Description: The sortDB() function sorts the bullet db by caliber in increasing order.

Pre: None.

Post: The bullet db is sorted in increasing order.


void sortDB(Bullet db[], const int size);

/* Description: The searchBullet() function searches the bullet db for the bullet that is passed to it.

Pre: None.

Post: Returns true if a match is found else returns false.


bool searchBullet(Bullet & b, Bullet db[], const int size);

/* Description: The searchLargest38() function searches the bullet db for the bullet with the larges

groove and caliber 38.

Pre: None.

Post: Returns the bullet if found.


Bullet searchLargest38(const Bullet db[], const int size);

/* Description: The getBullet() function will ask the user to input the information that decribes

a bullet and creates a bullet with the information.

Pre: None.

Post: Output several messages that asks the user to input the different information describing

a bullet.

Returns a bullet created.


Bullet getBullet();

/* Description: The presentMenu() function will output available menu options to the screen.

Pre: None.

Post: Menu options output to the screen.


void presentMenu();

/* Description: The goodbye() function will output a signoff message to the screen.

Pre: None.

Post: Signoff message output to the screen.


void goodbye();

/* Description: The isbetween() compares two values with a given tolerance.

Pre: None.

Post: Returns true if val is equal to mid given tolerance else returns false.


bool isbetween(const float val, const float mid, const float tolerance);

/* Description: The getBoolean() function will ask the user to input an answer to the question that

will be passed as parameter correctly..

Pre: None..

Post: outputs a message to the screen asking the user to input an answer to a question.

returns the user's answer.


bool getBoolean(const string question);

/* Description: The getInteger() function will ask user to input an integer and validate the

input to lie between parameter min and parameter max..

Pre: parameter min must be less than parameter max..

Post: Outputs a message to the screen asking the user to input an integer that lies betwen

min and max.

Returns the valid integer input.


int getInteger(const int min, const int max);

/* Description: The get_random_number() function generates a random number that lies betwen

lower_limit and upper_limit.

Pre: Parameter lower_limit must be less than parameter upper_limit.

Post: Returns a random number that lies between lower_limit and upper_limit.


float get_random_number(const float lower_limit, const float upper_limit);

/* Description: The swap_bullets() function will swap the values of the arguments sent to it.

Pre: None.

Post: The values of the arguments sent will be swapped back in the calling function..


void swap_bullets(Bullet &b1, Bullet &b2);
