
/Programmer: Eric Barnes date 02/25/13

//File shopping_menu.cpp class: CS53

//Purpose: this file contains the main function for an online shopping terminal

//which allows the user to select the type and quantity of items desired

//without exceeding their available funds

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main ()


//Variable declaration

const string USER = "Marge";

const string OPTION_1 = "Beer";

const string OPTION_2 = "Spam";

const string OPTION_3 = "DOHnuts"; // Amazing name

const string OPTION_4 = "Mustard Packets"; // Mmmmmmmm, mustard packets....

const string OPTION_5 = "Quit";

const float PRICE_1 = 4.88;

const float PRICE_2 = 1.77;

const float PRICE_3 = 3.29;

const float PRICE_4 = 2.50;

//total quantity of a particular item bought so far

int quant_1, quant_2, quant_3, quant_4;

//amount of any item to be purchaced this iteration

//will change in order to not exceed available money

int buytemp;

//total amount of money initially available

float total;

int choice;

//amount of money spent on this shopping excursion

float spent;

char cAgain;

//set output to 2 decimal places




//initial loop to repeat entire program on request



//reset quantities used by menu

quant_1 = 0;

quant_2 = 0;

quant_3 = 0;

quant_4 = 0;

total = 0;

spent = 0;

cout << "Welcome to the store: " << USER <<endl;

//data cleansing for initial amount of money



cout << "Please enter your starting funds: ";

cin >> total;

if(total < 0)

cout << "ERROR: NEGATIVE AMOUNT" << endl;

} while(total < 0);

cout << "__________________MENU:_____________________"<<endl;

cout << "1: " << OPTION_1 << ": $" << PRICE_1 << endl;

cout << "2: " << OPTION_2 << ": $" << PRICE_2 << endl;

cout << "3: " << OPTION_3 << ": $" << PRICE_3 << endl;

cout << "4: " << OPTION_4 << ": $"<< PRICE_4 << endl;

cout << "5: " << OPTION_5 << endl;

//loop to repeatedly ask user to input a choice from the menu



cout << "you currently have : $" << total - spent << " remaining"<< endl;

cout << "Please choose an item from the menu: ";

cin >> choice;

//switch on users choice and prompts for amount of item to add

//exits loop when 5 is selected

switch (choice)


case 1:

//data cleansing to ensure non-negative amount is purchased



cout <<"enter the amount of " << OPTION_1 <<" you would like ";

cin >> buytemp;

if (buytemp < 0)

cout << "please enter a positive value" << endl;

} while (buytemp < 0);

spent += (buytemp * PRICE_1);

//take items out of the shopping cart, one by one, until the

//purchase is affordable

while(total < spent)


buytemp --;

spent -= PRICE_1;


cout << "You successfully added "<< buytemp <<" "<< OPTION_1

<< " to your shopping cart" << endl;

quant_1 += buytemp;


case 2:



cout <<"enter the amount of " << OPTION_2 <<" you would like: ";

cin >> buytemp;

if (buytemp < 0)

cout << "please enter a positive value" << endl;

} while (buytemp < 0);

spent += (buytemp * PRICE_2);

while(total < spent)


buytemp --;

spent -= PRICE_2;


cout << "You successfully added "<< buytemp <<" " << OPTION_2

<< " to your shopping cart" << endl;

quant_2 += buytemp;


case 3:



cout <<"enter the amount of " << OPTION_3 <<" you would like: ";

cin >> buytemp;

if (buytemp < 0)

cout << "please enter a positive value" << endl;

} while (buytemp < 0);

spent += (buytemp * PRICE_3);

while(total < spent)


buytemp --;

spent -= PRICE_3;


cout << "You successfully added "<< buytemp <<" "<< OPTION_3

<< " to your shopping cart" << endl;

quant_3 += buytemp;


case 4:



cout <<"enter the amount of " << OPTION_4 <<" you would like: ";

cin >> buytemp;

if (buytemp < 0)

cout << "please enter a positive value" << endl;

} while (buytemp < 0);

spent += (buytemp * PRICE_4);

while(total < spent)


buytemp --;

spent -= PRICE_4;


cout << "You successfully added "<< buytemp <<" " << OPTION_4

<<" to your shopping cart" << endl;

quant_4 += buytemp;


//output result of shopping spree to user

case 5:

cout << "You purchased: "<<endl;

cout << "\t\t " << quant_1 << " " << OPTION_1 << endl;

cout << "\t\t " << quant_2 << " " << OPTION_2 << endl;

cout << "\t\t " << quant_3 << " " << OPTION_3 << endl;

cout << "\t\t " << quant_4 << " " << OPTION_4 << endl;

cout << "at a cost of $" << spent << endl;

cout << "and have $" << total - spent << "remaining"<<endl;



cout << "Please enter a valid option from the menu" << endl;


} while (choice != 5);

cout << "would you like to place another order (y/n)?";

cin >> cAgain;

} while(cAgain == 'y' || cAgain == 'Y');

cout << "Thank you for using our online store"

<< USER<< ", Goodbye!" << endl;

return 0;
