
// moPhone.cpp

// A phone number generater for Moe's phone service

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()


const int PHONE_NUM_GEN_FACTOR = 78; // The Phone Number Gender Factor (PNGF)

// These strings represent colors of eyes along with their wavelengths.

const string COLOR_ONE = "475(blue)";

const string COLOR_TWO = "510(green)";

const string COLOR_THREE = "590(orange)";

// Inputs

string fName, lName;

int eyeColor; // Wavelength

bool isFemale;

float height; // in meters, because we do metric!

// Output digits in format a_code-def-extension

int a_code, extension;

int dig1_exchange, dig2_exchange, dig3_exchange; //digits of the exchange(2nd triple of ph no)

int hgtXcol;

cout << "\t\tWelcome to Springfield's new MOEbile phone service!\n"

<< "Please fill out the following billing information:\n"

<< "[First Name]: ";

cin >> fName;

cout << " [Last Name]: ";

cin >> lName;

cout << "Thank you. Your choices for eye color are:\n"

<< "\t"<<COLOR_ONE<<"\n\t"<<COLOR_TWO<<"\n\t"<<COLOR_THREE<<"\n"

<< " [Eye Color]: ";

cin >> eyeColor;

cout << "Your gender choices are:\n"

<< "\t0 (Male)\n\t1 (Female)\n"

<< " [Gender]: ";

cin >> isFemale;

cout << "[Height (m)]: ";

cin >> height;

//First three digits

a_code = eyeColor;

//Second 3, this is trickier

hgtXcol = static_cast<int>(height * eyeColor);

dig1_exchange = (hgtXcol / 100) % 10;

dig2_exchange = (hgtXcol / 10) % 10;

dig3_exchange = hgtXcol % 10;

//And finally:

extension = static_cast<int>(10 * eyeColor + PHONE_NUM_GEN_FACTOR * isFemale + height * height);

//And, the output

cout << endl << "\tCustomer Information" << endl;

cout << "Name:\t\t" << fName + " " + lName << endl;

cout << "Phone Number:\t(" << a_code << ") " << dig1_exchange << dig2_exchange << dig3_exchange

<< "-" << extension << endl;

cout << "Our Motto:\tSpringfield MOEbile: something else you should avoid "

<< "while driving" << endl;

return 0;
