
// Programmer: Clayton Price date: 4/9/19

// File: slotts.h

// Purpose: This file contains the global constants and prototypes for the

// functions used int he slotts simulation program.

#ifndef SLOTTS_H

#define SLOTTS_H

#include <iostream>

#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

// The following are constants for the program

const short NO_MATCH_LOSS = 5; // lose $5 for no matches

const short ONE_MATCH_WIN = 1; // win $1 for one match

const short TWO_MATCH_WIN = 30; // win $30 for two matches

const float INIT_GAME_BAL = 0; // starting game balance

const short NUM_SIDES = 4; // number of sides on each reel of slot

const int MIN_INITIAL_BAL = 200; // these must be int type for the random

const int MAX_INITIAL_BAL = 1000; // assigning of initial bal to work

const float MAX_TOLLERANCE = 0; // max amount of money moe can stand to lose during a game

const int MIN_CHEAT_SPINS = 5; // num of spins after which cheat starts

// This function outputs message of welcome to users.

// Pre: none.

// Post: message output to the screen welcoming user.

void welcome();

// This function outputs message of farewell to users.

// Pre: none.

// Post: message output to the screen.

void goodbyes();

// This function will present a menu to the user and return a valid choice

// Pre: none.

// Post: menu is presented to user and only a valid char is returned.

char present_menu();

// The establish_bankBalance function will randomly give the player a bank balance

// between and including MIN_INITIAL_BAL and MAX_INITIAL_BAL, set first_time

// to false, set bank_bal_checked to true.

// Pre: none.

// Post: The bank_bal is set between and including MIN_INITIAL_BAL and MAX_INITIAL_BAL

// bank_bal_checked is true (ref var), first_time is set false (ref var).

void establish_bankBalance(bool & first_time,bool & bal_checked,float &


// The show_balances function will display to the scree the game balance and

// the bank balance.

// Pre: none.

// Post: bank and game balances are displayed to the screen.

void show_balances(const float game_bal,const float bank_bal);

// The transfer function will query the user for an amount of money to transfer

// and deduct a proper amount from the bank balance and add that to the game

// balance and sets funds_trasnferred to true.

// Pre: none.

// Post: valid transfer amount entered by user is deducted from bank bal (ref

// var) and added to the game bal (ref var). funds_transferred is now true.

void transfer(bool & funds_transferred,float & bank_bal,float & game_bal);

// The play game function will play the slots for the user based on how much

// money he/she has in the game.

// Pre: none.

// Post: The player's game_bal will be increased or decreased according to

// winnings or losses.

void play_game(float & game_bal);

// The cheat function will return via ref parameters the values of tumblers 2

// and 3 based on the value of tumbler 1. Their values will be such that no

// match is possible.

// Pre: none.

// Post: values for tumblers 2 and 3 are established for these ref variables

// based on the value of tumbler 1.

void cheat(const short tum1, short & tum2, short & tum3);
