
/* Programmer: Jennifer Leopold

Date: March 8, 2018

File: hw7_functs.h

Purpose: Constants, type definitions, and function prototypes

used in program that simulates a main character

(BoJack Horseman) randomly encountering various other

characters and collecting cards of different sizes.


#ifndef HW7_FUNCTS_H

#define HW7_FUNCTS_H

#include <iostream>

#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

// ***********************************************************

// Type declarations

struct Rectangle // 2D rectangle


int length, width;


struct Creature // Info about a sea creature


string name;

Rectangle card;

bool operator <=(const Creature &other) const


return(((card.length <= other.card.length) &&

(card.width <= other.card.width)) ||

((card.width <= other.card.length) &&

(card.length <= other.card.width)));


bool operator ==(const Creature &other) const


return(((card.length == other.card.length) &&

(card.width == other.card.width)) ||

((card.width == other.card.length) &&

(card.length == other.card.width)));



// ***********************************************************

// Constants

// # entries in CREATURES array

const int NUM_CREATURES = 10;



{"Wanda Walrus", {2, 6}}, {"Stanley Sardine", {3, 1}},

{"Sylvia Seahorse", {4, 2}}, {"Janie Jellyfish", {1, 10}},

{"Doris Dolphin", {3, 2}}, {"Bob Blobfish", {1, 5}},

{"Sammy Shark", {8, 4}}, {"Walter Whale", {6, 2}},

{"Stevie Salmon", {2, 3}}, {"Sheila Shellfish", {1, 3}}


// Possible creature greetings

const int NUM_CREATURE_SAYINGS = 12;



"Dude, totally love the horse head and human body combo!",

"Looking for a card (shark)?",

"Are you someone famous?", "Don't trust the salmon!!!",

"Here's some advice: the shark wants you to be his chum!",

"Better take some paper towels if you visit a blobfish!",

"Hey man, got any seaweed?",

"Let me give you my card...my phone number is on the back!",

"I'd gladly pay you Tuesday for a lobster roll today.",

"Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming, ...",

"If you're looking for Nemo, he isn't down here."


// Simulation termination criteria


const int MIN_CARDS_TO_STACK = 4;

const int MAX_NUM_CARDS_TO_COLLECT = 100;

// ***********************************************************

// Function prototypes

// Display a greeting to the user.

// Preconditions: None

// Postconditions: A message has been displayed on the screen.

void greeting();

// Display a sign-off message to the user.

// Preconditions: None

// Postconditions: A message has been displayed on the screen.

void signOff();

// Generate a random number within a specified range.

// Preconditions: Parameter low is <= parameter high.

// Postconditions: A value >= low and <= high is returned.

int myRand(const int low, const int high);

void initCreaturesSeenSoFar(bool creaturesSeenSoFar[],

const int n);

void recordDifferentCreaturesSeen(const int whichCreature,

bool creaturesSeenSoFar[],

const int n,

int &numCreaturesSeenSoFar);

void randomlyOutputCreatureGreeting(const int whichCreature);

void addCreatureCardToCollection(const int whichCreature,

Creature cards[],

int &numCards);

int numCardsStackable(Creature cards[], const int numCards);

void printStackableCards(const Creature cards[],

const int numCards,

const int stackSize);

// ***********************************************************

// Templated functions

// Sorts the elements of the given array into ascending order.

// Preconditions: arraySize should be > 0, and a[0..arraySize-1]

// should contain data. Base type of array (i.e., T) must be

// comparable using > operator.

// Postconditions: Elements of a[0..arraySize-1] are in

// ascending order.

template <typename T>

void sortArray(T a[], const int arraySize)


T minValue, temp;

int positionOfMin;

for (int i = 0; i < arraySize-1; i++)


// Assume min from position i to end of array is the

// value at position i

minValue = a[i];

positionOfMin = i;

// See if you can find a smaller value from position i+1

// to the end of the array

for (int j = i+1; j < arraySize; j++)


if (a[j] <= minValue)


minValue = a[j];

positionOfMin = j;



// Swap the value at positionOfMin with the value at

// position i

temp = a[i];

a[i] = minValue;

a[positionOfMin] = temp;



