

Programmer: Jennifer Leopold

Date: November 10, 2016

File: town.h

Purpose: This file contains the definition of a Town class.


#ifndef TOWN_H

#define TOWN_H

#include <iostream>

#include <cstdlib>

#include "point.h"

using namespace std;

// Constants for min and max dimensions of grid

const short MAX_SIZE = 25;

const short MIN_SIZE = 4;

// Constants for char's to display on grid

const char EMPTY_DISPLAY = ' ';

const char WALL_DISPLAY = 'W';

const char EXIT_DISPLAY = 'E';

const char ERROR_DISPLAY = '\0';

class Town



// Member variables for grid array and its actual size

char m_grid[MAX_SIZE][MAX_SIZE];

short m_size;

// Clear the grid by setting all entries to EMPTY_DISPLAY.

// Preconditions: None

// Postconditions: All entries in the grid will have been

// set to EMPTY_DISPLAY.

void clearGrid();

// Populate the grid with walls along the boundary of the

// grid and an exit in the middle of each boundary wall.

// Preconditions: None

// Postconditions: The grid will now include walls

// (WALL_DISPLAY chars) along the boundaries of the grid

// and an exit(EXIT_DISPLAY char) in the middle of each

// boundary wall.

void build();

// Determine whether a given point is within the boundaries

// of the grid.

// Preconditions: Point p should have values for its x and

// y coordinates.

// Postconditions: Returns true is p is within the

// boundaries of the grid; otherwise, returns false.

bool inRange(const Point &p) const;


// Parameterized constructor for Town.

// Preconditions: None

// Postconditions: m_size set to size and m_grid

// initialized with walls (WALL_DISPLAY char) and

// exits (EXIT_DISPLAY char).

Town(const short gridSize = MAX_SIZE);

// Accessor for m_size.

// Preconditions: None

// Postconditions: Value of m_size is returned.

short getSize() const { return m_size; }

// Get the 'object' (symbol) that is at the specified

// point in the grid.

// Preconditions: Point p should have values for its x and

// y coordinates, and should be within the boundaries of

// the grid.

// Postconditions: If the point is not within the boundaries

// of the grid, ERROR_DISPLAY is returned. Otherwise, the

// symbol (char) that is at the specified point in the grid

// is returned.

char getLocation(const Point p) const;

// Make the specified location in the grid 'empty.'

// Preconditions: Point p should have values for its x and

// y coordinates, and should be within the boundaries of

// the grid.

// Postconditions: m_grid will have value EMPTY_DISPLAY at

// position p.

void vacateLocation(const Point &p);

// Set the 'object' (symbol) at the specified point in the

// grid.

// Preconditions: Point p should have values for its x and

// y coordinates, and should be within the boundaries of

// the grid. The symbol should have a value.

// Postconditions: If point p was not within the

// boundaries of the grid, false is returned. Otherwise,

// point p in the grid has been changed to the specified

// symbol and true is returned.

bool setLocation(const Point p, const char symbol);

// Make sure that grid contains at least one position

// that is "empty." Otherwise, exit the program.

// Preconditions: m_grid should be initialized with values.

// Postconditions: Exits the program if grid doesn't contain

// at least one position that is EMPTY_DISPLAY; otherwise,

// simply returns;

void checkForOverPopulatedTown() const;

// Randomly choose a point in the grid that is "empty."

// Preconditions: m_grid should be initialized with values.

// Postconditions: Returns a randomly chosen Point that

// equals EMPTY_DISPLAY.

Point getRandomEmpty() const;

// Determine whether a given point in the grid is "empty."

// Preconditions: Point p should have values for its x and

// y coordinates, and should be within the boundaries of

// the grid.

// Postconditions: Returns true if point p in the grid is

// not EMPTY_DISPLAY; otherwise, returns false.

bool positionOccupied(const Point &p) const

{ return(m_grid[p.getX()][p.getY()] != EMPTY_DISPLAY); }

// Overloaded operator for <<.

// Preconditions: None

// Postconditions: Town's grid will be output to outs,

// thereby modifying ostream outs, and outs is returned.

friend ostream& operator <<(ostream& outs,

const Town& town);

