
//Filename: hw7.cpp Class: CS 1570

//Description: Times runs of several sorting algorithms


#include "hw7.h"

int main()


int start, end;

float runTime;

float minTime, maxTime, avgTime;

int array[MAX_SIZE];


for(int type = 0; type < NUM_SORTS; type++)


fillArray(array, TEST_SIZE, TEST_MIN, TEST_MAX);

cout<<"\nUnsorted Array:"<<endl;

output(array, TEST_SIZE);

sortArray(array, TEST_SIZE, type);

cout<<"\nArray sorted with "<<sortName(type)<<":"<<endl;

output(array, TEST_SIZE);


for(int type = 0; type < NUM_SORTS; type++)


minTime = 9999999; //Sloppy, but if a sort takes that long, I quit;

maxTime = 0;

avgTime = 0;

for(int j = 0; j < RUNS; j++)


fillArray(array, MAX_SIZE, MIN_VAL, MAX_VAL);

start = clock();

sortArray(array, MAX_SIZE, type);

end = clock();

runTime = static_cast<float>(end - start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

if(runTime < minTime)

minTime = runTime;

if(runTime > maxTime)

maxTime = runTime;

avgTime += runTime;


avgTime /= RUNS;

showResults(minTime, maxTime, avgTime, type);



return 0;
