
// File: hw3.cpp


// Purpose: Simulate processing of messages on Homer

// Simpson's network.

// If a ping message is received, and the source

// is Homer Simpson, and the # occurrences exceeds

// a certain # of times, flag it as a smurf

// attack (which "crashes" the network).

// If a malformed ping message is received, detect

// it as such, and generate a network "crash."

// Other messages are "acknowledged" with a simple

// response.

// Processing is terminated if the system "crashes"

// or after a certain # of messages have been

// processed.

#include <iostream>

#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

int main()


const short BANDWIDTH = 50;

const short MAX_MESSAGES_TO_PROCESS = 100;

const short PING_MSG_START = 0; // range of codes for

const short PING_MSG_END = 84; // ping msg's

const short NON_PING_MSG_START = 85; // range of codes for

const short NON_PING_MSG_END = 98; // non-ping msg's

const short VALID_IP_ADDR_START = 1; // range of valid

const short VALID_IP_ADDR_END = 4; // IP addresses

short smurf_count = 0; // # ping msg's with Homer as the source

short ping_count = 0; // # ping msg's

short message_count = 0; // total msg's received

bool system_crash = false; // flags signaling to

bool system_shutDown = false; // shut down network

short source_address; // parts of a msg

short destination_address;

short message_code;

short homer_ip_address; // Homer's IP address

bool is_valid_address; // used when validating user input for Homer's IP address

// Seed the random number generator


// Greeting

cout << "Starting Homer's network...\n";

// Get Homer's IP address



cout << "Homer, what is your network address? ";

cin >> homer_ip_address;

is_valid_address = (homer_ip_address >= VALID_IP_ADDR_START)


(homer_ip_address <= VALID_IP_ADDR_END);

if (! is_valid_address)

cout << "A valid network address is between "

<< VALID_IP_ADDR_START << " and "

<< VALID_IP_ADDR_END << " (inclusive)!\n\n";

} while (! is_valid_address);

cout << endl;

// Begin simulation, terminating when system crash detected

// or MAX_MESSAGES_TO_PROCESS many msg's have been processed

while ((!system_crash) && (!system_shutDown))


// "Get" a message

message_code = rand() % MAX_MESSAGES_TO_PROCESS;

source_address =


destination_address =


cout << "\nReceived message code " << message_code

<< " sent from source " << source_address

<< " to destination " << destination_address << endl;


if ((message_code >= PING_MSG_START) && (message_code <= PING_MSG_END))



// Check for smurf attack

if (source_address == homer_ip_address)



cout << "Possible attempted smurf attack (detected "

<< smurf_count

<< " time" << (smurf_count > 1? "s": "")

<< " so far)\n";

if (smurf_count > (static_cast<float>(BANDWIDTH )/3))


cout << "Network has crashed due to excessive "

<< "smurf attacks!\n";

system_crash = true;



else // Respond to ping message from someone other than Homer


cout << "Yo, " << source_address

<< ", I'm here\n";


// Check for ping flood

if (ping_count >= BANDWIDTH)


cout << "D'oh, done in by a ping flood ("

<< ping_count << " pings received)!\n";

system_crash = true;



else if ((message_code >= NON_PING_MSG_START) && (message_code <= NON_PING_MSG_END))


cout << "Replying to " << destination_address

<< ": Got any donuts or beer?\n";


else // Assume it was a malformed ping message


cout << "Received message " << message_code << " - "

<< "D'oh, done in by the ping of death!\n";

system_crash = true;


// Check to see if max # messages have been processed

if ((!system_crash) && (message_count == MAX_MESSAGES_TO_PROCESS))


cout << "Well, processed my limit of messages for the day"

<< " – shutting down!\n";

system_shutDown = true;



// Sign-off

cout << "\nHomer's network stopped after processing "

<< message_count << " messages\n";

if (system_crash)

cout << "because of a system crash.\n";

else cout << "under normal conditions.\n";

return 0;
