
#ifndef LEET_h

#define LEET_h

// Programmer: Price date: 4/11/13

// File: leet.h class: cs53

// Purpose: this file contains the constants, protos, etc for the leet translation

// program.

using namespace std;

// this const represents the max size string to input for translation leet->eng

const short MAX_LEET_INPUT = 500;

// this const represents the max size of the string translated to english.

const short MAX_ENGLISH_TRANSLATION = 1000;

// the following is a dictionary of leet chars for english

const short MAX_LEET_SIZE = 5;

const char LEET_A[MAX_LEET_SIZE] = "@";

const char LEET_B[MAX_LEET_SIZE] = "8";

const char LEET_C[MAX_LEET_SIZE] = "(";

const char LEET_D[MAX_LEET_SIZE] = "[)";

const char LEET_E[MAX_LEET_SIZE] = "3";

const char LEET_F[MAX_LEET_SIZE] = "|=";

const char LEET_G[MAX_LEET_SIZE] = "9";

const char LEET_H[MAX_LEET_SIZE] = "#";

const char LEET_I[MAX_LEET_SIZE] = "][";

const char LEET_J[MAX_LEET_SIZE] = "]";

const char LEET_K[MAX_LEET_SIZE] = "|<";

const char LEET_L[MAX_LEET_SIZE] = "1";

const char LEET_M[MAX_LEET_SIZE] = "|\\/|";

const char LEET_N[MAX_LEET_SIZE] = "|\\|";

const char LEET_O[MAX_LEET_SIZE] = "0";

const char LEET_P[MAX_LEET_SIZE] = "|?";

const char LEET_Q[MAX_LEET_SIZE] = "4";

const char LEET_R[MAX_LEET_SIZE] = "|^";

const char LEET_S[MAX_LEET_SIZE] = "$";

const char LEET_T[MAX_LEET_SIZE] = "7";

const char LEET_U[MAX_LEET_SIZE] = "|_|";

const char LEET_V[MAX_LEET_SIZE] = "\\/";

const char LEET_W[MAX_LEET_SIZE] = "\\^/";

const char LEET_X[MAX_LEET_SIZE] = "><";

const char LEET_Y[MAX_LEET_SIZE] = "'/";

const char LEET_Z[MAX_LEET_SIZE] = "%";

// the greet() function will output a greetings message to the user.

// Pre: none

// Post: message output to user

void greet();

// the signoff() function will output a exiting message to the user.

// Pre: none.

// Post: exiting messge output to the user.

void signoff();

// the menu() function will present a menu of options to the user and return a char

// Pre: none.

// Post: menu of options presented to user; char returned

char menu();

// this translate() function will translate english to leet according to

// the dictionary above; input occurs in this function.

// Pre: none.

// Post: outputs the screen a translation to leet any input read in in this

// function.

void translate();

// this translate() function will translate the leet in first array parameter

// to english in the second.

// Pre: leet[] must be null-terminated.

void translate(const char leet[],char english[]);

// the get_leet() function will prompt for and read in a string of characters

// that is interpretted as leet.

// Pre: none.

// Post: the array parameter will be a null-term'd char array.

void get_leet(char leet[]);

// the copy() function copies array[start] to array[start+num] into letter.

// Pre: start and num must be nonneg and start+num<MAX_LEET_SIZE

// Post: letter is ntca with part of array as data.

void copy(char letter[],const char array[],const short start,const short num);
