
/* Programmer: Jennifer Leopold date: November 14, 2014

File: hw9.cpp

Purpose: This program simulates a hospital that contains

an x-ray machine. Patients are admitted to the

hospital and are charged for having x-rays taken.

A certain percentage of the time, patients also

incur health damages which may cause them to die.

The amount of money that each patient has and

his/her health status is maintained over the


To compile:

fg++ hw9.cpp hospital.cpp patient.cpp x_rayer.cpp -o hw9

To execute: ./hw9


#include <iostream>

#include <cstdlib>

#include <ctime>

#include <string.h>

#include "patient.h"

#include "hospital.h"

using namespace std;


const short NUM_PATIENTS = 3;

int main()


Hospital hospital_room;

// Seed the random number generator


Patient p[NUM_PATIENTS]; // patients to be randomly created

// Output initial state of hospital_room

cout << "Initially the hospital has this configuration:\n";

cout << hospital_room << endl;

// Output initial state of each patient

cout << "\nInitial patients are as follows:\n";

for (short i = 0; i < NUM_PATIENTS; i++)

cout << (i+1) << ". " << p[i] << endl;

// Admit 1st patient to hospital room a number of times

for (short i = 1; i <= NUM_TIMES_TO_ADMIT_PATIENT; i++)


// Output new state of hospital_room

cout << "\nAfter our simulation the hospital now has this "

<< "configuration:\n";

cout << hospital_room << endl;

// Output new state of 1st patient

cout << "\nAnd the first patient now looks like this:\n";

cout << p[0] << endl;

cout << "\nThat concludes this simulation.\n";

return 0;
