
/* Programmer: Jennifer Leopold

Date: March 4, 2016

File: hw7_main.cpp

Purpose: Program that simulates a healthcare clinic

where patients come in with a complaint, and are

prescribed a remedy and charged for the visit.

To compile: fg++ hw7_main.cpp hw7_functs.cpp -o hw7

To execute: ./hw7


#include <iostream>

#include <ctime>

#include <cstdlib>

#include "hw7_functs.h"

using namespace std;

int main()


patient patients[MAX_NUM_PATIENTS]; // list of patients seen

int patientCount = 0; // actual # patients seen

char response; // y/n response for "more

// patients?" question

// Greet user

cout << "\nWelcome to Cletus' Healthcare Clinic\n";

// Seed the random number generator


// Allow the user to repeatedly admit patients until

// s/he says there are no more or max # patients have

// been seen for the day



response =

getYNInput("\nDoes anyone need to see the doc(y/n)? ");

if (response == 'Y')


patients[patientCount] = makeRandomPatient();




if (patientCount == MAX_NUM_PATIENTS)

cout << "\nGeez, enuff is enuff! "

<< "We've seen our limit for the day!\n"

<< "I'm going fishin'...\n";

} while ((response == 'Y') &&

(patientCount < MAX_NUM_PATIENTS));

// Sort patient array by patient name

sortPatientArray(patients, patientCount);

// Output list of patients

printPatientArray(patients, patientCount);

// Sign-off

cout << "\nCletus' Healthcare Clinic is now closed!\n";

return 0;
