

Programmer: Jennifer Leopold

Date: March 14, 2016

File: hw8_functs.cpp

Purpose: This file contains the prototypes of the functions

for the program that generates poetry.


#ifndef H8_H

#define H8_H

using namespace std;

// ***********************************************************

// Constants

// Constraints on the min and max lines a poem can be, and the

// # of words that can be in one line of a poem

const short MAX_LINES = 10;

const short MIN_LINES = 0; // 0 indicates user wants to quit

const short MAX_WORDS_IN_POEM_LINE = 20;

const short MAX_CHARS_IN_POEM_WORD = 80;

// The encodings for different word types, as used in the

// patterns file

const short NOUN = 1;

const short ADJECTIVE = 2;

const short VERB = 3;

const short PRONOUN = 4;

const short ADVERB = 5;

const short INTERJECTION = 6;

const short NUM_WORD_TYPES = 6;

const string END_OF_PATTERN = "-1"; // denotes end of pattern

// The file name for each word type

const string WORD_FILENAMES[] =

{"nouns", "adjectives", "verbs", "pronouns", "adverbs",


// The file name for the various possible word patterns

const string PATTERN_FILENAME = "patterns.dat";

// Maximum length of a file name (when specified as char array)

const short MAX_LENGTH_FILENAME = 20;

// ***********************************************************

// Function prototypes

// Prompt for and get integer input from the user, making

// sure it is within specified bounds.

// Preconditions: Parameter 'prompt' contains a string

// question the user is entering input for. Parameter

// 'lowerBound' should be less than 'upperBound'.

// Postconditions: Integer is returned that is >= lowerBound

// and <= upperBound.

int getIntInput(const string prompt, const int lowerBound,

const int upperBound);

// Generate a poem that is a specified number of lines long.

// Preconditions: Parameter 'numLines' is between MIN_LINES..

// MAX_LINES (inclusive).

// Postconditions: 'numLines' many lines of poetry have been

// displayed on the screen.

void generatePoem(const short numLines);

// Return a word of the specified type, randomly chosen from

// the appropriate data file.

// Preconditions: Parameter 'wordType' is the value of one of

// the valid word type constants: NOUN, ADJECTIVE, VERB,


// Postconditions: A randomly chosen word of the specified

// type is returned.

string getRandomWordFromFile(const short wordType);

// Return a randomly chosen poem pattern and the number of

// entries (which relates to word types and literal words)

// in that pattern.

// Preconditions: None.

// Postconditions: A randomly chosen poem pattern and the

// number of entries in that pattern are returned through

// the parameters 'poemPattern' and 'numWordsInPattern'.

void getPoemPattern(string poemPattern[],

short &numWordsInPattern);
