
//Filename: hw6.h Class: CS 1570

//Description: Contains header information for the quiz program

#ifndef HW6_H

#define HW6_H



using namespace std;

const int MIN_EASY = 0;

const int MAX_EASY = 9;

const int MIN_MODEREATE = 10;

const int MAX_MODEREATE = 99;

const float MIN_ADVANCED = 0;

const float MAX_ADVANCED = 99.99;

const int PLACES = 2; // number of decimal places for floats,

// should be between 1 and 6

const float PRECISION = 1.0/pow(10,PLACES); //Do not change this one. Ever.

const int NUM_PROBLEMS = 3;

const int MAX_TRIES = 2;

//This function greets the user

//Pre: None

//Post: Greeting is output to the screen

void greeting();

//This function displays the menu and gets the user's choice

//Pre: None

//Post: Menu is output and user's choice is returned

char menu();

//This function gets a random integer

//Pre: max must be greater than (or equal to) min

//Post: returns a random int between min and max (inclusive)

int randNum(const int min, const int max);

//This function gets a random float

//Pre: max must be greater than (or equal to) min

//Post: returns a random float between min and max (inclusive)

// with a number of decimal places based on the const DECIMAL_PLACES

float randNum(const float min, const float max);

//This function displays the results of the test to the user

//Pre: numProblems must not be 0 and should be greater than numCorrect

//Post: Displays the count and percentage to the user

void showResults(const int numCorrect, const int numProblems);

//This function says goodbye to the user

//Pre: None

//Post: Signoff is output to the screen

void signoff();

//This function presents the problem to the user and scores it.

//Pre: T must be defined for =, +, -, < float, and 'T randNum(T, T)'

//Post: Returns true if the user gave the correct answer, false otherwise

template<typename T>

bool theProblem(const T min, const T max);

//This function gives the user the test and gets the results.

//Pre: T must be defined for =, +, -, < float, and 'T randNum(T, T)'

//Post: Returns the number of correct answers.

template<typename T>

int runTest(const T min, const T max, const int numProblems);

template<typename T>

bool theProblem(const T min, const T max)


int tries = 0;

bool correct;

T lhs = randNum(min, max);

T rhs = randNum(min, max);

char oper = rand()%2 ? '+' : '-';

T answer = (oper == '+' ? lhs + rhs : lhs - rhs);

T userAnswer;



correct = false;

cout<<endl<<lhs<<' '<<oper<<' '<<rhs<<" = ";


if(abs(userAnswer - answer) < PRECISION) //user was correct

{ //abs fixes rounding error

correct = true;






cout<<"\nIncorrect"<<(tries == MAX_TRIES ? "\n" : ", try again: ");


}while(!correct && tries < MAX_TRIES);

return correct;


template<typename T>

int runTest(const T min, const T max, const int numProblems)


int numCorrect = 0;

for(int i = 0; i < numProblems; ++i)


cout<<"\nProblem "<<i+1<<": ";

numCorrect += theProblem(min, max);


return numCorrect;

