
// Programmer: Jennifer Leopold

// Date: January 28, 2016

// File: hw2.cpp

// Purpose: Calculate the voltage needed for an electric fence

// based on user's input of resistance, # animals,

// fence length, and whether a bull is present.


// To compile: fg++ hw2.cpp -o hw2


// To execute: ./hw2

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

const float AMPERAGE = 0.05; // power source amps

const short COW_RESISTANCE = 20000; // resistance depending

const short SHEEP_RESISTANCE = 6000; // on animal type

const int VOLTAGE_STABILIZATION = 98000; // stabilizing factor

const short BULL_DETERENT_VOLTS = 5000; // needed to deter bull

int main()


int resistance; // user inputs

short numAnimals;

int fenceLength;

bool isBullPresent;

int voltage; // calculated voltage

// Greeting

cout << "Welcome to the Volto-Matic Computa-tator!\n";

// Get user inputs

cout << "Please enter the following:\n\n";

cout << " Resistance ("

<< COW_RESISTANCE << " for cows or "

<< SHEEP_RESISTANCE << " for sheep): ";

cin >> resistance;

cout << " How many critters in your pen: ";

cin >> numAnimals;

cout << " Length of fence (meters): ";

cin >> fenceLength;

cout << " Bull present? (1 = yes, 0 = no): ";

cin >> isBullPresent;

// Calculate and output necessary voltage

voltage = static_cast<int>


(AMPERAGE * resistance) +

((static_cast<float>(numAnimals) / fenceLength) *




cout << "\nVoltage required: " << voltage << "v\n";

// Sign-off

cout << "\nHave a nice day!\n";

return 0;
