
// Programmer: Clayton Price

// File: hw5.cpp

// Purpose: This file contains the main function for the program that will

// let the user know if a pair of pants is socially acceptable.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

//this constant is the universally used ratio of waist to inseam value that

// all tailors use.


//this constant represents the minimum value for a waist measurement.

const float MIN_WAIST = 0;

//this constant represents the minimum accepted length of a human leg.

const float MIN_LEG_LENGTH = 0;

//this constant represents the maximum accepted length of a human leg.

const float MAX_LEG_LENGTH = 50;

//this constant represtns the minimum tolerance for highwater pants.


// The greet() function will display to the screen a welcome message. It will

// prompt for and read in user's name and return it.

// Pre: none

// Post: message displayed to screen; user's name returned.

string greet();

// The signoff() function will display to the screen a exiting message.

// Pre: none

// Post: message displayed to screen.

void signoff(const string name);

// The get_waist() function will prompt for and read in and return a waist measure.

// Pre: none.

// Post: waist measurement is returned.

float get_waist(const string name);

// The get_leg() function will prompt for and read in and return a leg length

// measure.

// Pre: none.

// Post: length of leg of user is returned.

float get_leg_measure();

// The get_tolerance() function will prompt for and read in and then return

// the user's tolerance of highwaterness for his/her trousers.

// Pre: none.

// Post: highwater tolerance is returned.

float get_tolerance(const string name);

// The inseam_calculator() function will return an inseam measure as determined

// by the_waist measurement passed.

// Pre: the_waist must be positive.

// Post: the inseam value so determined is passed back.

float inseam_calculator(const float the_waist);

// The judge_pants() function will return true or false as to whether the pants

// measurements will exceed or not the tolerance of the user as judged by

// the other parameters.

// Pre: all parameters must be positive.

// Post: true or false returned; true if pants with inseam meets user's tolerance

bool judge_pants(const float leg_measure, const float tolerance,

const float inseam);

// The pants_report() function will output a message to the user stating

// whether or not the pants will meet expectations.

// Pre: none

// Post: message output to the screen.

void pants_report(const bool good_enough);

int main()


/* ------------------ DECLARATIONS -------------------- */

string user_name;

float user_waist;

float user_leg;

float user_tolerance;

float inseam;

bool pants_good = false;

char response;

/* ----------------- GREET AND INPUT INFO -------------- */

user_name = greet();




user_waist = get_waist(user_name);

user_leg = get_leg_measure();

user_tolerance = get_tolerance(user_name);

/* -------------------- COMPUTING VALUES -------------- */

inseam = inseam_calculator(user_waist);

pants_good = judge_pants(user_leg,user_tolerance,inseam);


do //repeat???


cout<<"\n\nWould you like to do this again? (y/n): ";


} while (response != 'y' && response != 'n');

} while (response == 'y');


return 0;


/* ------------------ FUNCTION DEFINITIONS --------------------- */

string greet()


string the_name;

cout<<"\n\n\nGlad you're using my silly software. "

"\n\tPlease enter your name: ";


return the_name;


void signoff(const string name)


cout<<"\nThanks for using this program, "<<name<<". Enjoy your high-water"

" pants!!"<<endl;



float get_waist(const string name)


float waist;



cout<<name<<", enter your waist measurement: ";


if (waist <= 0)

cout<<"ERROR: Invalid input....try again..."<<endl;

} while (waist <= MIN_WAIST);

return waist;


float get_leg_measure()


float leg_length;



cout<<"Ok, now enter the length of your leg: ";


} while (leg_length <= MIN_LEG_LENGTH || leg_length > MAX_LEG_LENGTH);

return leg_length;


float get_tolerance(const string name)


float tolerance;



cout<<"And, finally, "<<name<<", what is your water tolerance: ";


} while (tolerance < MIN_HIGHWATER_TOLERANCE);

return tolerance;


float inseam_calculator(const float the_waist)




bool judge_pants(const float leg_measure, const float tolerance,

const float inseam)


return (inseam >= (leg_measure - tolerance));


void pants_report(const bool good_enough)


if (good_enough)

cout<<"The pants are NOT high-water enough for you!"<<endl;


cout<<"Great pair of high-waters!!"<<endl;

