
// Programmer: Jennifer Leopold Date: November 7, 2015

// File: animal.h

// Purpose: This file contains the definition of the

// Animal class.

#ifndef ANIMAL_H

#define ANIMAL_H

#include <iostream>

#include <string.h>

#include <cstdlib>

#include "Road.h"

using namespace std;

class Animal



static const int MAX_STUPIDITY = 100; // Limits on

static const int MIN_STUPIDITY = 0; // m_stupidity

int m_weight; // weight in kg

string m_species; // e.g., "deer", "possum"

int m_width; // # sectors of road that

// animal occupies

int m_stupidity; // % (0..100) that determines

// whether animal runs onto

// road


// Default constructor for Animal

// Preconditions: None

// Postconditions: m_weight set to 10, m_width set to 2,

// m_species set to "possum", and m_stupidity set to 98

Animal() : m_weight(10), m_species("possum"), m_width(2),

m_stupidity(98) { }

// Parameterized constructor for Animal

// Preconditions: 0 < width < Road::MAX_WIDTH, weight > 0,

// 0 <= stupidity <= 100

// Postconditions: m_weight set to weight, m_width set

// to width, m_species set to species, and m_stupidity

// set to stupidity

Animal(const int weight, const string species,

const int width, const int stupidity) :







// Accessor for m_width

// Preconditions: None

// Postconditions: Value of m_width is returned

int getWidth() const { return(m_width); }

// Accessor for m_weight

// Preconditions: None

// Postconditions: Value of m_weight is returned

int getWeight() const { return(m_weight); }

// Determine whether this animal chooses to run.

// Preconditions: MIN_STUPIDITY <= stupidity <=


// Postconditions: Returns true if m_stupidity >=

// stupidity; otherwise, return false

bool chooseToRun(const int stupidity) const

{ return(m_stupidity >= stupidity); }

// Overloaded operator for <<

// Preconditions: None

// Postconditions: State of Animal will be output to outs,

// thereby modifying ostream outs

friend ostream& operator <<(ostream& outs, const Animal& a);


// Mutator for m_stupidity

// Preconditions: 0 <= stupidity <= 100

// Postconditions: m_stupidity set to stupidity, not

// to exceed boundary conditions

void setStupidity(const int stupidity);

// Mutator for m_weight

// Preconditions: weight > 0

// Postconditions: m_weight set to weight (minimum 1)

void setWeight(const int weight);

// Mutator for m_width

// Preconditions: 0 < width < Road::MAX_WIDTH

// Postconditions: m_weight set to weight (minimum 1)

void setWidth(const int width);

