
/* Programmer: Jennifer Leopold Date: April 7, 2016

File: hw9_functs.cpp

Purpose: Function definitions used for testing the Sandwich

and Customer class functions.


#include <iostream>

#include "hw9_functs.h"

using namespace std;

#include <string>

void testSandwich()


// Declare two objects of class Sandwich, s1 and s2

// one using default constructor

// and the other one using parameterized constructor

// Print out the content of s1 and s2 using overloaded <<

// Print out the content of s1 and s2 using their accessors (all data members)

// Test Mutators for s1 and s2 (all data members)


void testCustomer()


// Declare an object of class customer, c

// Print out the content of c using overloaded <<

// Print out the content of c using its accessors with "proper precision"

// Test Mutators for c using "different" amount of lbs, cash ($), cholestrol level


void testCustomerWithSandwich()


// For each and every name (15):

// create s (object of Sandwich), c (object of Customer)

// print out the content of s and c using overloaded <<

// call the eat function

// again call overloaded << for c
